
Alicia Cortez

by Pedro from Medellin

Alicia Cortez-Helping people to see
Ophthalmologist-Clinic Intermedicas, Medellin Colombia
Alicia in her office (Clinica Intermedica)
Alicia in her office (Clinica Intermedica)

Alicia Cortez is a person who changes poor people’s lives forever. Alicia works as an ophthalmologist, but two years ago she decided to create a charity named Giving Hope to See. Alicia says, “The opportunity to see is great.” Until now, Alicia has operated on the incredible number of 17 poor people who needed help healing their eyes.

Alicia with the children of her charity (Clinica Intermedica)
Alicia with the children of her charity (Clinica Intermedica)

Alicia’s job has many rewarding moments, ”The happiest moment in my life was the day after I operated on a child. I don’t remember the child’s name, but I remember that the first thing the child did when I took off the paper that was covering his eye was that he started to laugh with happiness.” This was Alicia’s best moment on the job.

The most interesting thing about Alicia is that her role model wasn’t a person; “It was the love for children and surgery,” says Alicia. Poor people in Medellín are lucky to have such a considerate ophthalmologist that helps them see the world.

Page created on 7/31/2014 4:47:39 PM

Last edited 1/6/2017 4:43:32 PM

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