Albert Einstein was one of the best scientists in the world. He had helped make many theories in his lifetime. He also had many hard times in his life. I think he is a hero in many ways because of what he accomplished in his lifetime. Albert is in the category of a scientist. I think Albert was one of the best scientists in the world. I think he is one of the best scientists in the world because of what he has accomplished in his lifetime.
Albert Einstein had a rough background life. Albert was born in Ulm Germany on March 14, 1879. As a child, Einstein really got into the mysteries of science. Albert had one sibling. He had a sister named Maja. His sister's real name was Maria. His parents were named Pauline and Herman. As a child, Einstein started speaking at a late age. In school, he had many problems focusing on his work. Also, his fathers business started failing so his family had to move to Italy. They were failing because there were other businesses trying to still his fathers stuff. He also went to school to learn Judaism but there were no teachers so his family taught him. As you can see, Albert had a rough background life.
Albert had many accomplishments. First, he was a scientist. He always wanted to be a scientist. As a scientist he made many theories about the world and space that help scientists now. He measured the size of molecules which at that time was impossible. He said if a photon had enough energy it can nock its electron from its atom. He also said that the planets are floating in space. Also, he made a theory that radio waves are moving around and that was true. As you can see, he had many accomplishments in his lifetime.
Albert had many challenges in his life. As a child Albert had behavior issues. In school Albert couldn't focus when the teacher was talking and when he was doing his work. Also, in school he had no interests in any class. He only liked science class. Then he got kicked out of school and his father died. He also got divorced and married his cousin. Also, one of his girl friends wasn't ladylike so his parents didn't like her so he had to find a way the make his parents like her, but his parents made him break up with her so he didn't have a girl friend. As you can see, Albert had many problems in his life.
Albert had many awards in his science carrier. He got an award for making the atom bomb that helps are armed forces in war. He had an award for saying that the planets are floating in space which helps astronomers and astronauts. He got an award for making all these theories. The theories helped scientists today. He got the Nobel prize in physics. He got the gold award for astronomical work. As you can see Albert had many awards for his work.
I can describe Albert with many words. I think Albert was persistent. I think he is persistent because he was good at thinking things out in his head and making theories. I also think he was dedicated. I think he was dedicated because he thought a lot about his theories and figuring things out. He had to make sure that every theory was as good as it could be. I also think he was a genius I think he was a genius because he was really smart. He was really smart because his brain was was bigger than a normal brain. The brain was bigger where people keep there math and science facts .Those are some words that I can use to explain Albert.
Albert Einstein has inspired me in many ways. He inspires me because he made all these really good theories that inspire me to never give up. Also, he got kicked out of school but that didn't stop him to become a scientist. He said if you stay in school you can be smart, because when he was a kid he wasn't doing good in school and he didn't give up and he kept working and he became a famous scientist. That is how Albert inspires me. As you can see Albert is a really good scientist.
Page created on 6/13/2014 12:00:00 AM
Last edited 6/13/2014 12:00:00 AM