
Anne Frank

by Kayla from Burlingame

Book shelf which hid the secret annex passage way ( (no source/ internet))
Book shelf which hid the secret annex passage way ( (no source/ internet))

On June 12, 1929 a German girl was born, her name was Anne Frank. She grew up with an older sister Margot and her 2 parents; Otto and Edith. They moved to Amsterdam because her dad's business was stationed there, and they lived a very good life for a couple years when it was safe. In March 1933 things began to change. They had to move when Adolf Hitler took over and controlled Germany. The people he hated most were Jews. Hitler's main goal was to eliminate all Jews from anywhere he could.  In 1942 Margot got a letter that she had to go work in a concentration camp which scared the family. This is the moment where they decided to go into hiding behind their father's work building. They lived in a secret annex which was  hidden behind a bookcase which was occupied by the Frank family and the Van Pel family. On Anne Frank's 13th birthday she received a journal which she turned into a diary. In the diary she wrote about how life was in the annex, her frustrations, and the arguments she has with her family members, and most importantly stuff about the war and her faith. Through all these horrific events she stayed strong with her faith and didn't change to anyone even during these intolerable acts.

Anne Frank ( )
Anne Frank ( )

Anne Frank was a courageous girl, and she is an amazing example as a woman of faith. Many people in the world today believe that she is a hero in many ways because of her act of bravery and all of her stories which many people's ancestors could relate to. She was in danger for most of her life, and she still stayed connected to her faith. 


This is an image of Anne Frank's diary which is one of the most valuable objects recovered in the Holocaust. She is a hero of faith mainly because of her and her family's courage and bravery. Even though she was later caught along with her family and put in a concentration camp she showed faith throughout all the times she was present and living out her faith.

Page created on 3/29/2012 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 3/29/2012 12:00:00 AM

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