Young Heroes

Anne Frank

by Ingrid from Des Plaines

Anne Frank and her family
Anne Frank and her family

Annelids Marie Frank was born on June 12 1929. She was born in Frankfurt am Main in Weimar Germany. Anne Frank’s parents were Otto Frank and Edith Frank. Anne Frank also had a sister she wasn’t an only child. Her sister’s name was Margot Frank. Margot Frank was 3 years older than Anne Frank.

Anne Frank at school
Anne Frank at school

Anne Frank attended Montessori school for Jews in Amsterdam. Margot also attended Montessori school for Jews. Anne Frank attended a school for Jews because she is Jewish. In that time Hitler was there so Jews could not be together with non-Jews that is why she went to school for Jews.

Anne's diary
Anne's diary

Anne Frank didn’t have a job but she was always writing in her diary. Anne Frank got her diary in her 13th B-day. Anne also named her diary. The diary's name was Kitty. Anne’s parents gave it to her. At first Anne wanted to be a movie star. But when she started writing in her diary she wanted to be a writer.

Anne's statue
Anne's statue

Anne Frank is famous because her diary is basically the largest piece of European Jewish person’s writing life left over from WW2. Anne Frank is still not living. Anne already died. Anne Frank died in early March 1945, aged 15. Her sister died before Anne. Anne and Margot died in concentration camp.

Anne Frank inspired me because I imagine hiding for such a long time.

Isn't Anne interesting?!

Page created on 10/30/2009 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 8/25/2021 1:51:10 AM

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