
Abraham Lincoln

by Chris from Romeoville, Illinois

<a href=>Abe Lincoln</a>
Abe Lincoln

My hero is Abe Lincoln. When I was in the 3rd grade I heard a report about him. I heard he was president and that won the Civil War. His nickname was Honest Abe. So, I thought that he was honest. It was at that point that I knew that he was my hero. On Feb. 12, 1809 in a log cabin he was born. Indians had killed his grandpa in 1816. The Lincolns moved to Indiana.

Abraham Lincoln was confident. He had to raise a family and he lost his mom when he was young. Abe Lincoln had a lot of self discipline. For his job he tried his best. When in the election, he tried his best to win the hearts of the public (he lost the first time but won the second time). When he died his family was unbearably sad. They had a good life with him. Abe Lincoln was not a phony he was real.

Most of the historians say that he was the best president ever. He led us through the Civil War. He had integrity so he did not say what he was going to do he just did it. He helped people with their problems. Abe Lincoln is my hero for the things that he has done in his life such as freeing slaves, winning the Civil War, and being the thing that means the most to me which is being my favorite president and being my hero.

Feb 12th: he was born
Feb 10th: he got a sister
Feb 12th: he gets and loses his brother in infancy
Feb 16th: they move to Kentucky
Oct 5th: his mom dies
Dec 2nd: his dad gets married
Dec 29th: he gets his first job
Dec 30th: they move to Illinois
Aug 1st: he gets a son
Jan 17th: his dad dies
Feb 20th: he becomes president
Apr 12th: civil war begins
Jan 30th: the war ends
Apr 15th:he dies

Page created on 6/3/2007 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 6/3/2007 12:00:00 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links

Abraham Lincoln - The White House

Extra Info

A nice home to live in
Coffee fresh from the pot
Put on fresh suit for work
Eat breakfast
I comb my hair while watching reading the news
Go to work with people seconding me
I hold my hat so it won’t fall off
They make me their hero for how honest I am.