
Abraham Lincoln

by Matthew from Quakertown, New Jersey

In giving freedom to the slave we assure freedom to the free - honorable alike in what we give and what we preserve.
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln

I admire Abraham Lincoln because he freed all the slaves and abolished slavery. That must have taken a lot of courage. Even though things looked bad for the union army of the northern United States he kept fighting. After The Civil War Abraham Lincoln freed all blacks and abolished slavery.

At the beginning of the Civil War Abraham Lincoln promised all the slaves would be freed. At the end of the war all the slaves were freed. Abraham Lincoln was honest with them even though it started the Civil War.
Abraham Lincoln helped free all the slaves even though their skin color was black and he was white. Abraham Lincoln sacrificed is life to free all the slaves. That was a lot to give then and it still is now. Abraham Lincoln gave all that just to help the slaves.

Abraham Lincoln didn’t laugh at the slaves or say they should be working harder. Abraham Lincoln didn’t buy slaves to make them work on plantations. Instead Abraham Lincoln showed them kindness. Even though Abraham Lincoln lived about two hundred years ago I still admire him today.
I admire Abraham Lincoln because of his courage, honesty, kindness, and his helpfulness.

Page created on 1/20/2009 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 1/20/2009 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

Abraham Lincoln - His biography on the Wikipedia Website
Abraham Lincoln - This gives a full biography of Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln - A biography of Lincoln's live