
Abraham Lincoln

by Joseph Taka from San Diego

Out of all the forty four presidents that have been elected, many of them have gotten involved with wars or battles. From great wars like the American Revolution to small battles with natives for territory, many presidents had wars they needed to win. They all fought outsiders, but only one president was in a war with America vs. itself; Abraham Lincoln. Despite Lincoln's exciting life as president, he grew up and lived peacefully before he got into office. In the words of Lincoln, this is how his young life was. "'I was born Feb. 12, 1809, in Hardin County, Kentucky. My parents were both born in Virginia... My mother, who died in my tenth year, was of a family of the name of Hanks.... My father ... removed from Kentucky to ... Indiana.... It was a wild region, with many bears and other wild animals... There I grew up.... Of course when I came of age I did not know much. Still somehow, I could read, write, and cipher..." ("Abraham Lincoln"). He grew up as a regular Kentucky boy at the time, but then became president many years later. Any great hero needs determination for what they are doing, perseverance for when their goal becomes challenging and strenuous, and responsibility to carry out what needs to be completed. Abraham Lincoln had perseverance, responsibility, and determination to bring the south to justice to keep the United States together as one nation.

Abraham Lincoln was determined with his mind set on keeping the nation whole, same with his other traits. He could have just let the states leave with their slavery to form a new nation to themselves, but Lincoln knew he had to keep the nation as one unit to keep the United States what it was when it was founded. In one of Lincoln's letters for advice to young lawyers, he wrote; "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed, is more important than any other one thing" (Letter to Isham Reavis). Always think about one's self to succeed. Lincoln believes that this is the most important quality in order for good results. Because without hope in your own cause, success is simply unrealistic. In Lincoln's second inaugural address for his presidency, he states, "Both parties deprecated war; but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive; and the other would accept war rather than let it perish" (Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address). Both the sides are at war, both for different reasons. Lincoln is determined to keep the nation as one whole and accepting war for that cause. He has his mind set on preserving the Union with its current states at the time. He is obligated to keep the nation as it was before his presidency, and is willing to do anything in his power to do so. Without all of Lincoln's hard work and dedication to overcoming the civil war, the north would have never won. Because of him believing in himself and those to fight for his cause, we can appreciate all the fifty states in the Union today.

Lincoln's persistence, dedication, and responsibility is why our nation is standing with all its original states as well as those that entered after the war. His perseverance brought victories against the south, he continued to fight for his cause even at times where the war had no end in sight. His responsibility to be a leader and make wise decisions lead to the support of others to help fight for Lincoln. Lastly, his determination to fight through all those years to accomplish that victory and goal to keep the USA one nation ended by paying off and ending in peace. He inspires myself and others through all the great things he has done throughout the civil war. He had many times when there seemed to be no hope in sight, he still came through and overcame this milestone in history. Lincoln also proves that someone doesn't need to be from a prosperous or wealthy family to achieve great things. When the civil war first began, many people were outrageous with Lincoln's decision and were not supportive of his cause. But Lincoln didn't need the support of the bystanders of the war, all he needed was hope. This goes to say that heroes don't always start with support from others, but earn that support with their integrity and responsibility. It inspires others to stand up for what they believe in even if it starts out with just themselves for their cause, to carry out justice and make the world a better place.

 Works Cited


"Abraham Lincoln's Annual Message to Congress -- Concluding Remarks."Abraham Lincoln's Annual Message to Congress -- Concluding Remarks. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May 2014.

"Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address." Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2014.


FreidFreidel, Frank. "Abraham Lincoln." The White House. The White House, 2006. Web. 02 May 2014.


"Letter to Isham Reavis." Letter to Isham Reavis. 5 Nov. 1855. Abraham Lincoln's Advice to Lawyers. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 May 2014.


Lincoln, Abraham. Letter to Cuthbert Bullitt. 28 July 1862. MS. N.p


Abraham Lincoln has shown perseverance through all the trials of his life.  His whole experience in law included failure after failure from local positions of law to senator of the state. Once President, all the processes of perseverance after failure came into play by building up to the challenges with the civil war. In Lincoln's speech to congress on Dec 1, he explained, "The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise... As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. and then we shall save our country" (Message to Congress Dec, 1). Lincoln's is talking about the time of the civil war and what they have to do to handle their current problem. He is telling them to come up with their new ideas on how to win with their causes, to keep the nation together. They need his and others to think of solutions to ultimately save the country. In one of Lincoln's letters for advice to young lawyers, he states, "I shall not do more than I can, and I shall do all I can to save the government, which is my sworn duty as well as my personal inclination. I shall do nothing in malice" (Letter to Cuthbert Billitt). President Lincoln wants the best, but what is necessary for the U.S.A.  He will do everything in his authority to be a leader and try to do it as peacefully as he can. There were rules about states to enter the Union, but no rules about seceding. President Lincoln found that as an error of the law and illegal and did everything he could to keep the southern states together with the rest. The characteristic of perseverance in the president helped keep this nation alive. The civil war carried out for years and no one knew if the South would surrender until the day they did. With as many hardships with failure as Lincoln, he played a role most people couldn't do. His persistence and perseverance was unconditional for his cause to make him win and conquer the south's secession.

Lincoln never ran away from the problem at hand, but he accepted the problem of the nation and knew he had to fix it. He took his position as a leader for these times and took that role with responsibility, to save the USA from crumbling apart. In Lincoln's speech to congress on Dec 1, he stated, "Fellow-citizens, we cannot escape history. We of this Congress and this administration, will be remembered in spite of ourselves. No personal significance, or insignificance, can spare one or another of us. The fiery trial through which we pass, will light us down. to the latest generation" (Message to Congress Dec 1). Lincoln is stating to the congress to continue to think about what needs to be done. What one's personal wants and complaints won't matter when all is done and complete. The task at hand needs to be taken responsibly, because running away from one's problems never solves the problem. He explains how the congress helping him will not just benefit him, but all future generations. In Lincoln's second inaugural address, he announced to the audience: "With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds..." (Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address). He is taking the responsibility as president to finish and end the war, then keep the peace for later years in post-war times. He is convinced at this time that the war will soon end and all will be well, but is also saying that they should strive to maintain peace and bring back the peacefulness of the United States. His confidence, talent with public speaking, and his mind of responsibility gave the citizens of this nation faith in him to conquer and overcome the south's wishes. The citizens also gained a sense of hope in that they could fight and win. Without Lincoln's responsible actions, the southern states would be nonexistent in the United States, and established in their own Union.

Page created on 5/22/2014 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 5/22/2014 12:00:00 AM

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