
Abraham Lincoln

by Justin S. from Roseville

"I walk slowly, but I never walk backward."

Abraham Lincoln is the 16th president of the United States of America. He lead the Union through the biggest blood bath in American history. The Civil War. Here are all of the failures he went through before he was elected president. In 1832 he lost his job and was defeated for State Legislature, 1833 failed in business, 1835 sweetheart died, 1836 had a nervous breakdown, 1838 defeated for Speaker, 1843 defeated for nomination for Congress. In 1848 he lost re-nomination, 1849 rejected for Land Officer, 1854 defeated for U.S. Senate, 1856 defeated for nomination for Vice President, 1858 again defeated for U.S. Senate. After all of this he was elected President of the United States. Abraham Lincoln is considered by many Americans to be the greatest United States president that ever lived.

Abraham Lincoln was born February 12, 1809, inside a log cabin in Sinking Spring Farm in Hardin County, Kentucky. The boy Abe was the 2nd child of Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Lincoln. In 1816 the Lincolns moved to Indiana mostly because of slavery. Then in 1830 they moved again to another location in Illinois. Lincoln had a huge part in abolishing slavery. He was the inventor of the Emancipation Proclamation. He also gave the speech known as the Gettysburg Address.

An Indian tribe killed his grandfather when Abe was just a small boy, leaving Thomas, the father, with no education to take care of the boy Abraham. Abraham had an older sister, Sarah, and a younger brother, Thomas. Thomas died when he was just a baby. Abe only attended school for 1 year total. Abraham's mother died from milk sickness when Abe was nine years old.

Nicknames for Abraham Lincoln are Honest Abe, Uncle Abe, The Ancient One, The Great Emancipator and Liberator, The Rail Splitter, and The Tycoon.

Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on Good Friday April 14, 1865, inside of the Ford's Theater. Henry Rathbone recognized the killer as John Wilkes Booth. Rathebone shouted at the president to move quickly, but Booth was quicker and shot Abraham Lincoln in the back of the head with a Derringer.

I can relate to Abraham Lincoln for one huge reason because he played a major role in the Civil War, as did Robert E. Lee. Robert E. Lee is my 7th great Uncle on my Dad's side of the family. I may seem kind of like a traitor to my family, but even I disagree completely with my uncle's opinion. Everyone is probably wondering why I didn't choose Lee as my hero, but racism is not something that should be supported. Lincoln inspires me by going above and beyond. He made the best of a nation that was falling apart quickly. Abraham Lincoln should be highly respected by all American Citizens and Leaders. Lincoln is considered heroic by me because he fights for freedom and essential human rights.

I hope now you see why many Americans consider Abraham Lincoln to be the greatest president of the U.S.A. With his help of abolishing slavery, today's Americans can live a more enjoyable life. We will always remember Lincoln for his legendary speeches during his presidency and the important role he played in the Civil War.

Page created on 10/30/2011 12:39:27 PM

Last edited 10/30/2011 12:39:27 PM

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Related Links

Abraham Lincoln - My hero
Abraham Lincoln - His schooling

Extra Info

Other site used was Wikipedia.


Wikipedia . "Wikipedia." [Online] Available .


Author Info

Hi, my name is Justin Smith and my Biography takes place in the 1800s. Focusing on one major event and one major person. The major event would be the Civil War, which was the war that the most Americans died. The major person I will be focusing on is Abraham Lincoln.