
Abraham Lincoln

by Andrew from Roseville

President Lincoln (wikipeda ())
President Lincoln (wikipeda ())

My hero is Abraham Lincoln.I chose him because he worked very hard to free the slaves. Lincoln was born in Kentucky  February 12 ,1809. His family was very poor. Also his mom died when he was young. He craved knowledge. 

When Lincoln was 21, his family moved to Illinois. He had all-sorts of  jobs. Some of them were store clerk, rail-splitter, surveyor, a postmaster. He loved to read. He eventually became a lawyer and moved into politics.

Lincoln was a six feet four inches tall man, with dark sunken eyes that gave him a sad but kind appearance. Lincoln was patient, thoughtful and tolerant of others. On November 6, 1860,  Lincoln was elected president. He was the 16th president. Lincoln also served as a captain in the Black Hawk Battle.

After the fall of Fort Sumter, Lincoln took command as commander-in-chief for the Union.The biggest thing Lincoln is most famous for delivering is the Gettysburg Address at the end of the Civil War. In 1864 Lincoln was reelected. Lincoln worked hard to unite the North and South. Lincoln made five appointments to our Supreme Court.They were Noah Haynes Swayne, Samuel Freeman Miller, David Davis, Stephen Johnson Field, and finally Salmon P. Chase.

Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on April 14th,1865 by John Wilkes Booth. Booth wanted to kill Lincoln because he had finally given blacks the right to vote. Union solders spent months looking for Booth. They finally found him in  Virgina. After a brief fight Booth was killed. To remember Lincoln we built a memorial in Washington D.C. across the Capital Mall from the US Congress building.

Page created on 6/24/2012 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 6/24/2012 12:00:00 AM

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