
Alicia Madison

by Raven from Cordova

"Never Give Up"
Alicia Madison
Alicia Madison

My hero's name is Alicia. She lives in Cordova, Alaska. I admire her. The reason my mom is my hero is because she always helps me when I need it, or at least she tries. Every time I fell she always picks me up off my feet and she taught me how to speak, read, spell, walk, and more.

My hero was born on January 24th. She owns the Killer Whale Cafe, which is probably a lot of stress. The reason it is a lot of stress is because she has to put a whole bunch of money into the Killer Whale or it wouldn't be running. Another reason is she has all the problems with the building. When she got this building is was a dump, it had rotten food everywhere, tables falling apart, and floods.

She always fights for her rights and shows people what she is made of. An example is there was this debate of �Prop One,� and she was made fun of and called names. She stood up for her rights and even though her side didn�t win she still fights for it. When she was made fun of she went up to the people and told them it was definitely not right to do that.

She is always cheering for me on the sidelines whenever I have games. Whenever I am sad, she makes me feel better. Whenever I am stuck she always helps me out. As her daughter I feel that she is always with me, cheering me on when I have a test, reminding me in my head to make the right choice and to be the best I can be. My mom is funny and always tries to give us the best. She wants us to be influenced with other cultures, so she brings us on trips. She brings my sister and I on trips because she wants to spend time with us while being influenced with other places.

My mother is also a hero that never gives up on me. Before I was born she had to carry around a ten-pound fetus everywhere she went for 10 months. Her teachers Mr. Popelka and Mrs. Songer, her teachers in my hero's young days, say she was a loud mouth. She always spoke her mind, and never got pushed around. My mother was taught to be hard working and kind, and that you can do anything is you believe, from her parents Herb and Barb Jensen. My hero said when she was young and in high school, she was wild, fun loving, and hard working.

My hero is strong, caring, helpful, selfless, trustworthy, lifesaver, smart, determined, and forgiving. The reason she has so many characteristics is because when she was growing up she was taught to be caring to everyone and everything, and if you work hard you could accomplish anything. My Hero when she was growing up her parents taught her to be honest and to do the right thing. My hero is wonderful at everything she does, she never gives up.

Page created on 5/18/2008 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 5/18/2008 12:00:00 AM

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