"Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight on to the Ranger objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor," an exert from the Ranger Creed. Austin McCall, six times deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, part of the 2nd battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment. Always relying on the ranger creed, no matter how hard or dangerous the mission at hand given is. Austin is a hero full of strength, selflessness, and determination. His whole team could have died without him. He is a hero. There are no words to describe the extent of heroism that he has completed. To show what I mean by selfless here is an example:
Receiving his team's mission on January 5, 2010, they were informed about how dangerous this was. Also that there was a suicide bomber team near their post. With that in mind, the team and himself headed out, carefully looking around. After locating the guest house, Austin took the lead. He made his way around the house making sure it was safe for his team. While searching around the houses garden area, he was confronted by the suicide bomber who was holding two live grenades. After knocking down the bomber, he managed to secure one grenade away from him. While the other one was still close in contact with him. It ended up blowing up on the bomber and the pin ended up going through McCall's cheek. l the other one down by his feet, with the pin still intact. His team helped secure the location, while he himself was still fighting like he was not hurt. Once secured he had to wait for medical attention, he was shipped to the United States for recovery. Not even a month after the incident he shipped back to Afghanistan and finished his deployment.
In my opinion Austin McCall is what a hero should be considered; Honest, selfless, and fearless. The fact that he was willing to stand up for others and make sure that their lives were safe so they could go home to their families. The strength that he displayed even when he was wounded was remarkable in many ways. Austin is someone that people are not afraid to depend on. An angel was honestly looking down on Austin that day. The truth of the matter is, that there is less and less people willing to risk their lives for you now days. Without heros like Austin we would not be a free country like we are, and continue to be. Thank you to all those soliders fighting for our freedoms, you are the reason we are free still. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Page created on 10/5/2012 12:00:00 AM
Last edited 10/5/2012 12:00:00 AM