
Ana Eugenia Posada

by Liz from Medellin, Colombia

Ana Eugunia Posada - Helping Students in Need
Ana Eugenia at work
Ana Eugenia at work

Ana Eugenia Posada is a person who touches the lives of grade 4 and 5 students on a daily basis. Ana helps students who have difficulties in certain subjects in school. She helps them to understand and gives them extra support. “When I was in fourth grade, I had some problems in math and reading. I had a teacher who helped me a lot. I wanted to be a teacher because of her.”

Ana has been teaching for 27 years, 4 of those at The Columbus School. She attended University CEIPA for her teaching degree and recently got her Master’s degree from Buffalo University. “Teachers always have to study,” says Ana.

Ana with Javier, one of her students
Ana with Javier, one of her students

Ana has had many good and bad days on the job. Her best days are when she is working with students and helping them, especially in math and reading, her favorite subjects. Ana understands what kids go through when they have difficulties because when she was a child she was afraid to make mistakes and did not trust herself to know the answers. Ana’s worst days happen when kids are disrespectful to her. She says, “Teachers have feelings too!” One day was so bad that Ana cried in class, however, this only strengthened her resolve to continue helping children in need.

Ana’s personal hero was a teacher as well. Ms. Emilia Fontan, 82, who owns a school for students with learning problems, inspired Ana to become a teacher. Emilia inspired Ana to help children in need, just as she has for 60 years. Ana states, “Teachers are always touching the lives of other people. We are always trying to make people’s lives better. Children need to be given values to become good people.” Children at The Columbus School are lucky to have such a dedicated teacher on their side!

Page created on 10/2/2008 11:45:43 AM

Last edited 1/6/2017 8:37:36 PM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Extra Info

I interviewed Ana in my classroom in March 2008. She spoke to the class at length and I showed the students how to take notes during an interview while she spoke. I have been working at the Columbus School with Ana for 3 years and I enjoy her immensely!

Author Info

Isn't every teacher a hero? Meet one special hero from the Columbus School who touches the lives of students in need every day. Our school is located in Envigado, Colombia, about 25 minutes outside of Medellin. We are a bi-lingual school. Most of our instruction is done in English and we also learn Spanish Social Studies and Reading.