
Alti Intan Pratiwi

by Feisal from Bandung

This is my older sister. Her name is Alti Intan Pratiwi. She usually called Alti. She was born on July 16th in Denpasar, Bali. She is the oldest child in my family.

Now, she is a student college of Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung. She takes an accountancy program in Faculty of Economy Universitas Padjajaran. In this August, she will start her third semester.

I choose her as my hero because she has many characteristics as a hero. She is a nice sister. She can make everyone feel so happy when talk with her, including me. She is so flexible, sometimes she can be so funny, and in other situation she can be so serious. Although she is a nice person, in some situations she can be so angry with me, but I still love her, because i think that she always has a reason to be angry. I know that she wants to make me to be a better person.

She is a very wise person. She can handle and solve many problems wisely. When she has a problem, she can solve it nicely. Besides that, she not only solves her problem nicely, she also can change her problem into a challenge. So, when she feels challenged, she will solve that problem with her whole power. But sometimes, she tries to hide her problem. She doesn’t want anybody to know her problem. She doesn’t want to make people feel bad because of her problem. For example, one day I saw that she is crying, I was trying to ask and help her problem, but she tried to hide it with her smile.

One thing that makes me so amazed by her is because she is a caring person. She always cares about everything, especially about the environment. She cares about the earth, about the pollution, the global warming, the emissions and many things. She always reminds everyone not to throw rubbish anywhere. Moreover, sometimes she disposes of the rubbish in a rubbish basket when she sees rubbish on her way.

Page created on 8/25/2008 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 8/25/2008 12:00:00 AM

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