My hero is Adam Sandler, who is an actor and a comedian. Adam was born on September 9th 1966. I did not choose him because he is funny and makes me laugh, I chose him because I know that he does good things and that he donates to charities. I also chose him because he is kind and cares for others. Adam was born in Brooklyn, New York. Comedian Dennis Miller discovered Sandler. Adam married actress Jacqueline Titone in 2003 and had two daughters.
When Adam was young, he moved to Manchester, New Hampshire. As a child, he loved to wrestle and play. Adam went to New York University. Later, Adam Sandler founded his Happy Madison Film Production Company in 1999. He grossed over $100 million. Adam is known for working with core groups of friends from Happy Madison. Happy Madison produced all of Sandler’s subsequent films.
In 2007, Adam Sandler made a million dollar donation to the Boys and Girls Club. The Boys and Girls Club is a national organization whose mission is to enable all young people to reach their full potential as a responsible citizen. Also, Adam donated $2,100 to the primary campaign of Rudy Giuliani in the same year. The primary campaign of Rudy Giuliani was an organization that tried to get Rudy Giuliani to be president of the United States.
I did not choose Adam Sandler because he is funny, but because he is a very generous man. I do think that his humor helps people forget about problems in their lives, and become more lighthearted. He cares for others by giving money to different charities, such as the Boys and Girls Club. He is a good influence and I think that more people in the world should be like him. content/uploads/2008/01/adam_sandler.jpg
“Adam Sandler.” Wikipedia. 20 march, 2009
Adam Sandler Biography” Tiscali
March, 20 2009 March, 20 2009
Page created on 4/7/2009 12:00:00 AM
Last edited 4/7/2009 12:00:00 AM