
Adam Sandler

by Jason from Riley

We all have heroes. Most are different than others. There are heroes of the arts, heroes that save lives, heroes that save the world, and heroes that inspire humanity to be their best. This is about a hero of the arts. One by the name of Adam Sandler. He has been through a journey from the bottom to the top. From his father's temper, which is why he is here to being told he should quit his job and give up acting. He has become a big star and he has had to work for it all.

Adam Sandler was not born into stardom he was not give what he has now he had to work for it and gain all the success he has now. Sandler was born to an electrical engineer and a nursery school teacher in 1996 in Brooklyn, NY. He started his comedy earlier being the class clown in the middle school, later when he was seventeen he progressed to stand up. He attended New York University enrolled for a fine arts degree. He began his career in the 1980's when he appeared on the Bill Cosby Show. Then he decided to broaden his horizons and become a stand up comedian at a club in Boston. After that he went to L.A and performed improv. While he was performing Dennis Miller was impressed by him and recommended him to Lorne Michaels Producer of the hit comedy show "SNL". This achievement was the foundation of his career.

One of the worst things about being a star is the critics. When Adam Sandler first started his acting career one of the critics wrote that he should just quit acting and give up being an actor. When Sandler said that he didn't care what people thought of him he gained a freedom to express himself, it lets him choose his own destiny. And this choice made him who he is. He was able to decide what he wanted, unlike most stars believe that image is everything.

In Adam Sander's career he has been nominated and won many awards for the movies he has played on. Some of the nominations are "MTV Movie Awards" , "American comedy award" , and "Blip" and some of the awards that he has won is "8 KCA awards", " 6 MTV awards" and, " 7 Peoples Choice awards". Adam Sandler is a phenomenal actor that probably has a long career still ahead of him. Adam Sandler has been in about 38 movies and will be in a lot more. Although some people say that Sandler is not funny He has actually captured a lot of fans in his acting career. And sure he will not be around forever not many people are but he will be around for a long time.

Through his journey Adam Sandler has started from the bottom and slowly climbed his way up to the top to where he is today. His life has been a roller coaster of ups and downs. And he has proved himself through all the events that he has been through. Sandler has been in many movies and won many awards. He is a people's person and a great comedian. Adam Sandler will be around for a long time.

Page created on 9/30/2013 2:56:26 PM

Last edited 4/18/2024 5:24:08 AM

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Related Links

Adam Sandler - Adam Sandler's website
Adam Sandler - Adam Sandler information

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