Adam Whitney Savage is a very nice, cool, and funny guy. I like Adam Savage because he loves to blow stuff up. Adam Savage is the best guy I’ve heard of. He has taught me that anything is possible if you have the right tools and big explosions. I chose Adam to be my hero because he makes sure that nobody gets hurt.
My hero is Adam Savage, married to Julia Savage. He loves his job helping with Mythbusters. He lives in New York, New York. My hero made a difference by teaching kids and everyone else that some things are myths and that some can be broken.
In films, he’s built models for Star Wars Episodes I and II, for Space Cowboys, A.I., Terminator 3, Galaxy Quest, Home Alone III, Bicentennial Man, and the Matrix sequels, Matrix: Reloaded, and Matrix: Revolution, among others.
My hero has inspired me to get on the stuff I did not think I could do on my own but now I do. Adam Savage may be a goofball but I still am inspired by him. Adam was most likely the geek in high school, but because he was he is making probably a lot of money.
This is the end and that is about my hero and what I know about him and his life. And I finally realized that anything is possible with Adam and the right tools. There are more heroes in my life but I think this hero is my favorite. And now you know that Adam is weird but lovable. I like him because he is weird.
Page created on 12/14/2010 1:14:52 PM
Last edited 12/14/2010 1:14:52 PM