
Adrian Siedle

by Nathan from Laguna Beach

This is my dad! (Dad's photograph)
This is my dad! (Dad's photograph)

My hero is my dad. His real name is Adrian, but we call him Dog. That is our nickname for him. He got this when he was 12 and it stuck with him all these years. He is the nicest dad I could ask for. There are so many things I like about him so I will do my best to sum it up. First, he protects me and loves me all the time. He teaches me things when I need to know them. Sometimes he loses his temper but he always tries his best. Lastly, he works really hard to give us a nice home and food.

He loves me no matter what, even if I drive him nuts. Just the other day, he got really mad at me but he forgave me. No matter what is going on he always makes sure I'm okay. He also makes sure we have everything we need to have a nice life. He works as hard as he can from 8:00 a.m. and comes home at 6:45 p.m. He also does work around the house and he also plays with me and my sister Deyvn.

In conclusion, I chose this person because of all the things I've shared with you. I wish some day I can be a hero like my dad.

Page created on 4/23/2009 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 4/23/2009 12:00:00 AM

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