
Amelia Tan

by Kevin from Newark

A PunXRawXoR Girl....

Amelia Tan in front of the city block...Hell Yes! (Found in her Interview with a loyal fan.)
Amelia Tan in front of the city block...Hell Yes! (Found in her Interview with a loyal fan.)

My hero is Amelia Tan, but she is widely known as Amelia "Arsenic" or DestroyX. She is an artist and lead singer for her band, Angelspit. She is also on the move on expanding her clothing and makeup line, which has been successful ever since. Her hobbies include taking exotic and fascinating pics, designing clothing ideas for her clothing line, listening to music and the modern era of what she calls "art". She is basically from Sydney, Australia and has founded her band on an online Zine forum with Karl Learmont, or as the band calls him ZooG.

ZooG and Destroyx ((Found in online Forum))
ZooG and Destroyx ((Found in online Forum))

Ms. Tan has been on the move with playing and creating music with Karl Learmont, traveling the world to play for their loyal fans. Since the formation of the band Angelspit in 2004, her talented and creative tastes have earned well over the past years. Her career in fashion is in NYC an she also has a design group in the United Kingdom. Following with her is the bands KMFDM, Cruxshadows, Ayria and many others. She has created lots of album artwork for other bands that share interests. Currently she is working on big projects and she can sometimes be unavailable, but otherwise other people are also able to contact Amelia through the website to post their own art and advertise, as well as collaborate with her on other projects. Fans are also able to buy Amelia’s self-designed and made products through her website, which includes jewelery, clothes, art, cosmetics and even music.

Amelia and her awesome style! ((Found on Google Images))
Amelia and her awesome style! ((Found on Google Images))

Amelia Tan currently lives in the United Kingdom and is working on such projects with designers. She is in a big bizz at the moment, but during her spare time she works on graphics and online zines to inspire those who follow her. She wishes to continue creating music and albums for the bandAngelspit and plans to do tours across the United States and Europe.

The difference that has changed what I see in life was that you should follow where your dream wants to take you and be yourself. What inspires me is that Amelia Tan and her creative scale of graphic design made me think that I should work my best and never give up. I am dedicated to her art form and the reason why everyone is "different".

Page created on 10/5/2010 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 10/5/2010 12:00:00 AM

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