
Abraham Lincoln

by Ian from San Diego

Abraham Lincoln (
Abraham Lincoln (

Many people know Abraham Lincoln for being the tall man with the top hat; however Abraham Lincoln organized a divided country into one. Abraham Lincoln, a self-taught man, got into politics by reading about law because of his love for learning. He first ran for the state legislator but lost because of lack of experience. After that he ran for the state house and won his seat. While in congress he ran for senator but lost. From the gain of reputation in the senator debates he ran for president and won. Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States of America, has inspired many through his courage and his dedication to freedom by guiding his country to victory in the civil war.

Abraham Lincoln (
Abraham Lincoln (

Abraham Lincoln’s courage started the beginning of his great presidency, like the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed all the slaves in the south. In January of 1809 Abraham Lincoln obtained his first breath, the start of a great era. By 1832 Abraham Lincoln ran for his first political office. Then in 1858 he ran for senator against Stephen A. Douglas, yet lost the election. But by running against Douglas for senator he gained a reputation with Republicans, so he ran for president. In 1860 he won the presidential seat. During his term he signed the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed all the slaves in the south. Sadly in 1865 Lincoln was shot in the head at Fords Theatre. Then on the next day, April 15, 1865, Lincoln died. Throughout these events of his life Abraham Lincoln showed that he deserved the title of a hero.

Honest Abe (
Honest Abe (

Abraham Lincoln was a courageous man for fighting to abolish slavery, when his country thought the opposite. Following the famous battle of Gettysburg, “a tall, bearded man, dressed in black, rose to his feet in front of the crowed. He started to speak, his voice as clear as the crack of a rifle.”(Bruns (72). Lincoln must have had courage to stand up in front of a crowed while a battle took place, just to speak to his people about the harmful effect of slavery. To help abolish slavery, “he issued the Emancipation Proclamation that declared forever free those slaves within the confederacy.”(“Abraham Lincoln”). Lincoln’s courage, to ban slavery in the south, had an effect because everybody believed in slavery in the south. With Lincoln’s courageousness, he led the North to winning the civil war.

Lincolns Statue (
Lincolns Statue (

Through Abraham Lincoln’s presidency he became able to help his country in a time of need by guiding his people to win the Civil War. By the time the Civil War broke out “he built the Republican party into a strong national organization.” (“Lincoln." government). Without an organized system, the north would not have been able to fight and slavery could still have remained until today. Lincoln introduced the first black army division; “By the end of the civil war, roughly 179,000 black men served as soldiers in the US. Army.” (“Lincoln.” government). By having a black army he showed to the South that everybody’s equal. With Abraham Lincoln’s organization he was able to win the Civil War.

Abraham Lincoln has shown that he’s an inspiration by wanting to learn and showing that anyone can live the life they dream. Even though Lincoln didn’t go to school as a child he later “made extraordinary efforts to attain knowledge while working on a farm.” (“Lincoln." government). Lincoln showed that he’s an inspiration by having an interest in learning. By being self-taught, Lincoln showed that if anyone puts his or her mind to it they could do anything. After being married in 1858, “Lincoln ran against Stephen A. Douglas for senator. He lost the election, but in debating with Douglas he gained a national reputation that won him the Republican nomination for president in 1860.” (“Lincoln." government). With Lincoln’s confidence he kept on believing in himself to achieve his goals. He showed that with perseverance anybody could follow their dream. Throughout Lincoln’s life he showed that he’s the right person to be called a hero.

Page created on 6/1/2010 8:07:24 AM

Last edited 6/1/2010 8:07:24 AM

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