
Anthony Robles

by Nick from San Diego

 (Anthony Robles)
(Anthony Robles)

Anthony Robles has been through it all, he has watched his stepdad leave his family, he has watched his mom get terribly sick, he has watched himself work his way to the top from nothing.  In addition, he has watched himself beat the defending NCAA 2011 National champion. All of these traits do not do not qualify Anthony Robles the wrestler and motivational speaker as a hero, it's the fact that he did it all without his right leg. No one would have ever expected or even guessed that Anthony Robles, the 90 pound child who was missing his right leg and had trouble walking up the stairs, would have won the NCAA 2012 National Championship years later. Anthony Robles is a wrestler and motivational speaker who has won the 2012 NCAA wrestling Championship and is missing his leg. Anthony Robles is the champion of the NCAA 2012 wrestling Championship in addition he was the winner of the 2011 and 2012 most courageous athlete award and the most accomplished wrestler at Arizona State. Anthony started wrestling in the eighth grade and accomplished most in 2011 and 2012. Anthony Robles has spent his entire career in the state of Arizona. During his wrestling career Anthony Robles had an outstanding season and achieved several awards but he did not stop after that. Anthony became a motivational speaker to help other people who face the same problems he did.  Anthony Robles possesses many traits that define him as a hero, but the ones that qualify the most are how persistent he is, and the fact the he is unstoppable. These are the traits that define Anthony Robles as a true hero.

Anthony Robles has never wanted anything to be handed to him by anyone. This opinion has led him to be persistent in everything he does. Anthony Robles the wrestler with one leg has practiced all his life to win the NCAA wrestling championship, and just as he was about to quit, he got an inspirational package from someone and this opened is eyes. "He was burned out, having pushed himself so hard for so long. As easily as he could see himself winning a championship, he saw himself walking away...And just when he needed it, a package arrived in the mail. Letters from a class of third graders in Atlanta. He was their favorite wrestler, they all said. Third graders in Atlanta? It hit him, then. It wasn't just about him anymore: "I'm wrestling for more than just myself now." (Simpson, Kalani. "Anthony Robles' unstoppable drive.")" Anthony Robles has never had anything handed to him he's always wanted a challenge in his life. For example when Anthony was a child, he was given a synthetic leg to wear. Anthony thought of it as a sign of weakness and he thought he didn't earn it, so he refused to wear it. His mother urged him to wear it but Anthony Robles never takes hand outs because he is a true persistent champion.

Anthony Robles has had a hard life but he never let what he couldn't do get in the way of what he could do. "She taught me to never let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do and she didn't protect me from pain and failure because she knew it would make me stronger.  Even when my Mom got sick at the beginning of my sophomore year in college, and my Stepdad walked out on the family and we lost our home and I wanted to quit wrestling and get a job to help pay the bills, my Mom refused to let any of us give up.  And here I am today, National Champion. (Simpson, Kalani. "Anthony Robles''unstoppable'‚ drive.")" Anthony Robles has a heart for his family and he'll do anything to keep them safe. This is what Anthony wanted for his mother after his step dad walked out and his mom got sick and lost her house, Anthony wanted to quit wrestling and help his family, but his mom refused. His mom knew he wanted to quit and help her out but she also knew he wanted to stay and wrestle so she forced Anthony to stay and not to worry about her. This shows that Anthony has a loving heart, but also has the physical and mental strength and support by his family to let him have the persistence to do anything. Anthony Robles is a very determined persistent person and will do anything to help his love ones and to wrestle.

          Has been faced with disbelievers, family problems and multiple challenges which have led him to become a stronger person and unstoppable.  Anthony Robles has been through many challenges such as family, school, and emotional problems that would make most men quit, but Anthony is more than a man, he is unstoppable.  "His Mom got sick, he did NOT quit. His Stepdad walked out, he did NOT quit. His family lost their home, he did NOT quit. If this was just about a guy with one leg who defied the odds and beat those with a physical advantage, it would have still been a great story.  What makes him UNSTOPPABLE is that he never quits.  What excuses are you making which are holding you back???  Let Anthony Robles be an example to us all, if we never quit and we never give up then, we are truly UNSTOPPABLE!!!(Ken)" Anthony is truly unstoppable because he has shown us all that to accomplish anything all you need to do is never quit because Anthony Robles believes that true pride is achieved through hard work and self confidence. As described in the quote, the only thing quitting and giving up will lead to is failure and nothing else. No respect and pride is earned through slacking and quitting. The only way to truly earn someone's respect is to try at everything you do no matter what and never quit no matter how hard something is, and Anthony Robles has proven that. Anthony Robles is a true hero because he shows perseverance, and determination in confronting the challenges that life gives him both on and off the wrestling mat. His accomplishments and success should be inspirational to all of us and prove to us all that he is unstoppable and a true hero.

Page created on 7/7/2013 7:29:04 PM

Last edited 1/6/2017 11:23:30 PM

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