The following story was written by a student.

Samuel Adams

by Ethan from Williamsville, New York

"The Governor regrets the differences which have arisen between the citizens and the soldiers. The Governor will remove the twenty-ninth regiment."

He then demanded, "Is the removal of one regiment enough? Is this satisfactory? What is your answer?"

"No!" was the crowds unwavering response.

This was an example of one of Sam Adams great speeches He spoke because he believed it was wrong that the Americans should be under the rule of England and that a country was ruling them from across the ocean. He also believed the fact that they had no say in the taxes they paid was wrong. He stayed strong in what he believed, even when all the patriots were on the side of England. Sam convinced the patriots to revolt against the king. That was only a short briefing of why Samuel Adams deserves to be called a hero.

Samuel Adams was born on September 16, 1722 in Boston. He was born to a prosperous family; his father, Captain Adams, brewed beer and was a militia officer while Massachusetts fought the Indians. His mother, Mary Adams, had four children; however, only Samuel and his sister Hannah lived past birth. When he was seven, he went to Boston Grammar School, and when he graduated, he went to Harvard. Shortly after he graduated, he became interested in politics.

If you think his journey to becoming a hero was easy, you are deeply mistaken. He had to keep working hard against England when his parents and his wife shortly thereafter died. After the Boston Tea Party, Sam had to get over an even bigger challenge when England closed the Boston Bay to all ships. It was so big that Sam lost most of the patriots on his side. The flame Sam had built up against England was reduced to a spark. But he tended that small spark until it was at a blaze. Then, when the English were planning to arrest him, he had to leave to the countryside, so, he had to work against England through letters. Shortly after, he went back to Boston to get the patriots to fight.

Sam Adams had a solid soul. He never once lied when he was working against England or when he made the Governor sound horrible. He was as honest as Abe Lincoln. He came back to Boston after reluctantly leaving so that he could get his followers to fight. This proved that he was persistent and brave. He risked his life to get that spark to grow to a blazing bonfire. In fact he was very, very brave. It takes a lot of guts to risk your life to help other people be free of England.

Sam Adams did many things to make the Americans free from England. He was the leader of the rebellious group the Sons of Liberty. His inspiring words made all of the patriots support him in his struggle against England. After giving a speech, Sam riled up the attendees to create the mob who started the Boston Massacre. Samuel Adams also worked with the founding fathers to create and sign the Declaration of Independence.

As you can see, Samuel Adams did many things to make the Americans free of England. His childhood was like every other boy's; he went to school, played with the other boys and was perfectly normal. When he was old enough to make a difference, he became interested in politics. He started to feel that being under England's rule was wrong. After he got many patriots against England, he helped create the Declaration of Independence. He had a solid soul and never gave up. Samuel Adams is a true hero.

Page created on 8/30/2009 5:51:16 PM

Last edited 8/3/2024 10:25:02 PM

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Samuel Adams - U.S. History