Hero what does that word mean to you? Is a hero a sports figure, a movie star, or just a friend? Anyone can be a hero but it really makes some people mad when they hear about a basketball player who scored 50 points in a game or something like that and people automatically think that person is a hero. My hero is Anneliese Marie Frank she is an amazing person she survived through the holocaust when she was just a young girl.
Anne Frank was an extraordinary person. She lived through World War II and she wrote about all that happened in Kitty (her diary). After she died her diary was published and now everyone knows what happened during the Holocaust. Anne Frank was born June 12, 1929 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. She was born into a Jewish family consisting of her mom Edith, her dad Otto, and her sister Margot. On July 31, 1932 the Nazis received 37.3 percent of the vote and were asked to form a coalition government. In 1933 Edith, Margot, and Anne moved to the Netherlands with their Grandma Hollander, and their father moved to Holland. In December Edith and Margot move to Holland and in 1934 Anne joined them. In Holland Anne started school at a Montessori school. In the summer of 1941 Anne and Margot attend the Jewish School Amsterdam. The next year their Grandma Hollander died, and on June 12, 1942 Anne received a diary for her thirteenth birthday.
On July 6th the Frank family left their home and moved into the “Secret Annex.” On August 4th the residents of the Secret Annex were betrayed and arrested. They were taken to a police station in Amsterdam. Then on August 8th they were taken to a transit camp called Westerbork, and on September 3rd they were taken on a train to Auschwitz, that was the last transport to ever leave Westerbork. On January 26, 1945 Anne’s mother Edith died in Auschwitz. Between February and March of 1945 Anne and Margot died at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp within days of each other.
Anne Frank is a hero to others near and far because she stayed in hiding during a major war and wrote a diary she thought others would never see. Eventually, it got published and it changed the way the world thought about others. A hero to others near and far is a very important part of our world and so is Anne Frank. Imagine if there was no Martin Luther King JR. Where would our country be with out Rosa Parks or Ruby Bridges? They changed the world for ever and the way whites and blacks think of each other.
Think about what Anne Frank did. Maybe someday you will be as important as her. You never know what will happen today, or tomorrow, or the next day. What goes around comes around and something bad will happen before you die so be ready. Think about the heroes in your life even if they are a parent or a friend, and tell them THANKS!!
Page created on 3/19/2009 10:13:44 AM
Last edited 3/19/2009 10:13:44 AM