

by Nolan from San Diego


"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." (Christopher Reeve). Aristotle is considered by many people as someone who contains all of these qualities and has accomplished many things that have helped out people to this day. Aristotle was considered to be father of logic and reasoning because of all of his contributions to science. He did many things like create his own school or tutor the soon to be Alexander the Great. He was born in Stagira in 384 B.C. and this town was located by Macedonia. As he grew up he got to see that that town rise in power. Aristotle was born in 384 BC in Stagira, Greece and died in 322 BC in Chalcis Greece. Aristotle helped the community around him by starting a museum and library at his school. These were all built to help his followers gain knowledge of science and other topics("Aristotle."). A hero must possess intelligence and, influential, inspirational, and many other qualities. Aristotle possessed intelligence which helped him accomplish many of his goals, influencing many of the people that follow him. Aristotle is a one of the most intelligent philosophers. This helped him create the base foundation for other topics. As a student Aristotle gave many ideas such as, "He did not believe in evolution, but as a careful student of nature, he separated living things according to their complexity, the scala naturae ("scale of nature"). He assigned each increasingly complex form of life to a step on a ladder, and every step was taken." ("Aristotle"). Aristotle gave the idea that there was no evolution but that living things were separated by complexity. This idea called scala naturae was followed by people until till 1859 when Darwin came up with the idea about evolution. Many people believed Aristotle because he was one of the smartest people at that time. Since Aristotle was very passionate about learning and researching he got a nickname from Plato, "The Reader". He then, switched what he studied. He learned how things in the world worked. One of the fields of science Aristotle helped a lot in was biology. This shows how he was intelligent because of all the smart and creative inventions he made. Some of the ideas he gave were that, "He was the first to classify animals. He grouped animals as having blood or not in his most basic classification, and these two groupings correspond closely to the modern categories of vertebrates and invertebrates. His observations led to the knowledge that mammals are warm-blooded, have lungs, breathe air, and suckle their young. In classifying animals, Aristotle realized that they should not be grouped based only on their external parts. Instead, he understood that even animals that appeared very different could be related." ("Aristotle"). Aristotle came up with the idea on how to classify animals. He categorised them based on the inner body parts like lungs and blood type. Later on he realized that animals can look a lot different but still be related. One of Aristotle's greatest accomplishments is the theory of logic and correct reasoning. His research modeled many theories for these topics for other scientists. He is proven to be a very intelligent person because of the great ideas he had like classifying animals into different groups. Classifying animals into groups shows that Aristotle had many bright ideas. Not many people had thought about this before, therefore showing that Aristotle's very ideas were innovative and would only come from an intelligent person.

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Aristotle's accomplishments have been influential to many of his followers and scientists from his time to now. From his great skills as a teacher, at the school he made called Lyceum, many of the students gave him nicknames and followed in his footsteps. "Because he walked about while teaching, Athenians nicknamed his school the Peripatetic - the Greek term meaning "to walk about." Like their headmaster, Lyceum pupils performed research in nearly every existing field of knowledge. They dissected animals and studied the habits of insects, helping Aristotle to compile data for his classification system." ("Aristotle"). The school Aristotle taught at was nicknamed Peripatetic after Aristotle because of the way he taught. His students helped him in his knowledge by doing research and tasks for Aristotle.Some of them even followed in his footsteps doing research in almost every field of knowledge that existed. Aristotle's students were influenced by him to solve their problems or come up with new ideas. They made a group and followed Aristotle's ideas and lived at his school called Lyceum. While Aristotle was at this school he continued writing a wide-ranged piece of work influencing people to follow him. Since many people trusted Aristotle's ideas showing he was very respected and influential. "The volume of Aristotle's writings combined with the force of his ideas--even when wrong--made him the most trusted and respected voice on virtually every scientific topic. Some of his theories, such as the belief that Earth is the center of the universe, were far from accurate. But for more than two thousand years, his pioneering work in biology has guided great scientists, including nineteenth-century British naturalist Charles Darwin, and his achievements continue to influence modern scientific theory." ("Aristotle"). Many people believed in Aristotle's ideas because of how intelligent he is. Even though they were far from being right, people still followed his ideas. This shows how influential he is to the people at that time. Aristotle's work is still being learned from and studied today showing that his work still influences people to do many things. It shaped centuries after he had passed away. His work is still being learned from and studied today showing that his work still influences people to do many things. Aristotle is a very influential person because of how respected he was in the science community and because of how great of a teacher he was at his own school. Aristotle is a hero from the knowledge he possessed, and his influence on people, to achieve what they believed in. From Aristotle's great knowledge, like coming up with ideas for the base ground of evolution and sorting animals based by their characteristics. His influence on many people by making them want to follow his footsteps, and learning about many of the branches of science. Therefore he is a great inspiration to every scientist, philosopher, and many other people. Aristotle is an inspiration to many people because of how he classified branches of knowledge. The branches he made are called physics, metaphysics, rhetoric, poetic, and logic. This shows people how smart he is and may have inspired some people to become great philosophers and scientists. He has also contributed a lot of his time to research in biology. Aristotle was considered to be the first person to group organisms in ways that made sense, which has helped many biologists to this day. The ideas Aristotle has given us has formed the backbone of philosophy. Much of the framework that built it came from Aristotle's era. He is a great hero and one of the greatest philosophers ever because of how intelligent, influential, and inspiration he was throughout the events in his whole life. "Aristotle." World of Health. Gale, 2007. Biography in Context. Web. 29 Jan. 2016. "Aristotle." Scientists: Their Lives and Works. Detroit: UXL, 2006.Biography in Context. Web. 2 Feb. 2016. "Aristotle." Animal Sciences. Ed. Allan B. Cobb. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2002. Biography in Context. Web. 3 Feb. 2016. "Christopher Reeve." Xplore Inc, 2016. 8 February 2016. Owens, J. "Aristotle." New Catholic Encyclopedia. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Biography in Context. Web. 4 Feb. 2 Shields, Christopher, "Aristotle", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2015 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.).

Page created on 2/12/2016 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 9/24/2018 11:11:24 PM

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