My hero is William Alexander Belsey. He was born in Ottawa, Ontario, on August 16, in 1950. He grew up in Ottawa, Ontario, in Canada Mr Belsey grew up with his mom, dad and sister. His mom, Patricia, stayed at home. His dad, Stan was in the Army. Mr. Belsey has one sister named Sandy. Sandy is 10 years older. He didn’t have any brothers. Mr. Belsey enjoyed school. He graduated from Laurentian High School in Ottawa, Ontario in 1976. His favorite subjects in school are Language Arts and Social Studies One special event that happened in Mr Belsey’s life is that he got to move to the Arctic and live there for 18 years. He worked as a teacher there. He graduated from the Queens University at Kingston. Mr. Belsey can speak some French. Mr. Belsey wanted to become a teacher when he grew up. He is now a teacher working in Calgary, Alberta, in Springbank Middle School. His has been teaching for 30 years. 18 years in the Arctic and 12 years in Alberta. His dream was to become a great teacher.
To me, a hero is someone who is kind and wants to help end something. For example if there is an earthquake that person just doesn’t stand there they find a way to help! Bill Belsey is also my hero because he tries to stop Bullying. A hero is someone who makes a difference. Bill Belsey is definitely a hero. Because of all the things I have written, he tries to stop Bullying and he is kind and wants to help end something. A hero has passion and he finds ways to get there message to the world. A hero makes a different in other peoples lives. Someone who is well known does not have the passion or ways to get their message to the world. Mr. Belsey has about two heroes; one of them is Jackie Robinson, because he was the first black person to play professional sports. The other one is his teacher he had, because she always told him he could do it and to never give up. Mr. Belsey is now living in Calgary Alberta but before he moved to Calgary he lived in Nunavut for 20 years. Bill is still alive today and is living in Cochrane. He is teaching the 5th grade in Springbank Middle School. I am very lucky because Mr. Belsey is my teacher! All of his family members are alive except his dad Stan, who died of old age. Mr Belsey has won many awards such as the Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Technology. Bill is very nice and doesn’t like to brag, so he is a good sport. I chose Bill Belsey as my hero because he is trying to stop bullying and because of his personality. I have learn a lot from Bill Belsey, I learn from him how to use a computer (better), that you have to try, try and try, also to never give up.
A hero can be anyone. There are everyday heroes or just ones living a normal life like you or me, but I definitely think that Bill Belsey is the best hero that anyone could get. Bill Belsey is very nice. When you need help he is there in a flash. He is a hero that I will remember for a long, long time.
His life was remarkable in many ways. Bill Belsey was the one who started Bullying Awareness Week in 2003. The government declared Bullying Awareness Week to be official in 2006. Now every year, in November, we have a week that celebrates bully prevention. His life was admirable because he had many challenges in live. For example, creating Bullying Awareness Week was sometimes hard for him. He tried to stop bullying. He made a website. Mr Belsey has many qualities. I’ll list ten. He is “planet active” – this means he cares about the earth and is green. He has one dog, named Scruffie, at home. Scruffie is a mixed breed. Mr Belsey loves all dogs and animals. Mr Belsey is a happy loving and cares for others. Mr. Belsey is a thinker and he loves science. Mr Belsey loves to read. And he loves sports. Mr Belsey was influenced by where he lived and by who raised him. He grew up in Ottawa and so maybe felt some strong pride for being Canadian. Ottawa is the capital city of Canada. He also lived in the Arctic and learned from the northern people. He learned how to ice fish and cut caribou. He also learned to speak another language. Mr Belsey saw polar bears and northern lights. I think Mr Belsey never gives up. The trait that is most troubling and difficult to Mr. Belsey is that he always repeats himself. In class we read a book called ‘Raven’s End’ and the author is good friends with Mr. Belsey so he e-mailed Mr. Belsey and asked if he could read the last chapter to us and Mr Belsey told us when he got the email and he keeps on saying it. I think it’s because he is excited and stuff but it gets annoying every once in a while. The trait that was most helpful to Mr Belsey is persistence. He brought the first computers into northern schools. William Belsey was responsible for raising money for computer programs. He helps save people in Botswana by purchasing mosquito nets. So far, our class raised money for about 50-100 bed nets. To me Bill Belsey's life is interesting and I learned from him that life can be hard and that life will sometimes not go the way you want it to. Sometimes life is challenging but you’ve got to go for what you believe in and not give up. In my opinion Bill Belsey does not have any enemies. He loves people and cares. He is kind. In other words he is NOT controversial. He is well liked. To me Mr. Belsey has no enemies. The only enemies he does have are those who are bullies. Mr. Belsey family and his good friend Eric Anoee but especially his dad was a mentor. His dad always told Mr. Belsey that he can do it and has always believed in him. He also said that "what the mind can conceive and the heart can believe, we can achieve!" Eric Anoee was a good friend with Mr. Belsey when is lived up north in the Yukon. I thought of him so much I wrote a story about him. The only beliefs or rules that Mr. Belsey had was that you should treat others the way you want to be treated.
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Last edited 4/26/2015 9:50:39 PM