
Benjamin Clark

by Keilee from Reynoldsburg

September 11, 2001 was a day that started as normal but quickly turned into a tragedy that our country will never forget. Thousands of innocent people lost their lives when planes were hijacked and crashed into the World Trade Center. There were the first responders, police officers and firefighters, that were obvious heroes who came to help victims. But in tragic events unexpected heroes emerge.

Benjamin Clark was a 39-year-old chef working on the 96th floor of the South Tower of the World Trade Center. Clark was a husband and happy father of five children. When the attacks happened the former marine's first instinct was to help people. He saved hundreds of lives that morning and even stopped on the 78th floor to give assistance to a woman in a wheelchair. Unfortunately, Clark did not make it out of the building. When his family heard of his heroic efforts they were not surprised. His mother said "he was always there to help." Ever since he was young if he saw someone in need of assistance he was happy to give them a hand.

There are many heroes from 9/11 but not all of their stories are known. When I came across the story of Benjamin Clark I was touched by it and surprised that I had not heard it before. Clark showed courage and bravery on not just September 11th but throughout his whole life. He was a genuinely good person and put others before himself. A hero is someone that people should admire and aspire to be like, Benjamin Clark is a true hero.

Page created on 12/28/2013 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 12/28/2013 12:00:00 AM

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