
Benjamin Franklin

by Ali from Lewistown

<a href=>Portrait of Benjamin Franklin </a href>
Portrait of Benjamin Franklin

For the "My Hero" project, I chose to write about Benjamin Franklin. Franklin did many things for us in his day, and I believe he needs to be recognized for his work.

Franklin was born in Boston, on January 17, 1706. His father was Josiah Franklin, and his mother was Abiah Franklin. Abiah was not Josiah's first wife, but his second. Between his two wives, he was a father to 17 children.

As stated earlier, Benjamin Franklin was known for the many great things he did for the world. Some people don't realize that if he hadn't invented the many things he did in his time, we wouldn't have much of what we have today. One of the major things he invented, that is still in use today, is the idea of electricity. Without electricity, we wouldn't have light, we couldn't use blow dryers, we would be without cooking for the most part, we wouldn't have T.V. In fact, we would be without much of the things that we all use in our lives today. A few more minor things that Franklin came up with were bifocals, and the lightning rod. He was also very successful in the printing buisness.

<a href=> Franklin</a href>

Benjamin was born in Boston, and grew up there. When he reached "adulthood," he lived in Philadelphia. He also worked on the block of 300 Market Street. He attended grammar school when he was eight years old. Because his father was hoping for him to become a preacher, his family decided it would be a good place for him to go. After switching schools due to family problems, he finished school when he was ten years old. For the rest of his education, he taught himself. Franklin loved to read, so that is how he educated himself for the rest of his life. When Franklin was 84 years old, he passed away, on April 17, 1790. He is now buried at Christ Church, in Philadelphia.

Benjamin Franklin stands out in many people's lives. Most poeple are content when they have accomplished something of great importance to them. Not only did Franklin accomplish one thing, but several. His accomplishments will never be forgotten.

Page created on 1/12/2007 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 1/12/2007 12:00:00 AM

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