
Betty Lennox

by Marissa from San Diego


"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (Philippians 4:13). Betty Lennox lives by this bible verse and you can find it on a pair of her precious basketball shoes. Lennox was born on December 4th, 1976, she was the eighth born out of nine children. Her immediate family includes four sisters and five brothers. Through her school years, she attended Butler Community College in Kansas, Trinity Valley Community College in Texas, and Louisiana Tech. Right out of college she was drafted by the Minnesota Lynx. Lennox also created her own foundation to help underprivileged, abused children. Lennox is always helping the less fortunate and explains how education is the key to success.  She is a good example of perseverance and working hard to get what you want. Betty Lennox won MVP her rookie year, has played in the WNBA since 2000, and she has played on over five different teams. These factors have made her the astounding woman she is today but her selflessness and hard work is why she is a true hero. 

Betty Lennox works hard and takes time out of her hectic schedule to help many people and improve the lives of others. She has been recognized for the charity she has accomplished: "Lennox does enjoy working in the community, however, especially with children. In fact, she was nominated for the WNBA's Community Assist Award in 2003.'I like being able to go out into the community and participate with kids, to touch them and be a positive role model,' She stated.'Going out into the community and putting smiles on people's faces is what makes my day.' Lennox hopes that her community service will prove useful in building a career as a youth counselor once her basketball days are over." (Betty Lennox, Betty Lennox). Lennox yearns to help so much that she aspires to continue doing it even when her basketball vocation is over. She does not do community service because she has to, she does it because she wants to. Lennox is constantly doing whatever she can to help: "So it was no surprise that at a team event involving the Jenesse Center, which redecorates apartments for victims of domestic violence, Lennox focused on painting a bathroom wall until it was done, her arms and hands covered with paint." (Medina). Lennox loves to relieve the less fortunate and will not stop until the job is done. She does not let small distractions stop her from helping others. Betty Lennox is selfless and hardworking and together that makes an amazing hero. 

Betty Lennox is completely dedicated to basketball however realizes education is always needed and she promotes obtaining an education in order to be successful. Even though basketball is her true love, Lennox is conscious that education comes first: "...Lennox won a basketball scholarship to Louisiana Tech, a top Division I college program. But mindful of the problems that academics had caused her in the past, Lennox took a year off to devote herself exclusively to her studies.'It's more than just on the court for me,' Lennox told the Kansas City Star..." (Betty Lennox, Contemporary Black Biography). Lennox promotes education by showing that even she had difficulty with it but kept pushing forward. She shows that getting your education might not be effortless nevertheless you should still go for it. Betty Lennox leads by example when she advocates children's studies: "She entered Louisiana Tech in 1997 but voluntarily took a year off from basketball in order to focus on her studies.'I had to do that to succeed,' she stated.'But it was hard not to be playing. I'd go watch the girls practice, and then I'd go to the park to find some guys to play basketball with'" (Betty Lennox, Betty Lennox). Lennox had a tough time going a year without basketball but got through it knowing she would end with exceptional schooling. It is not always easy to do the right thing, in this case the right thing is to go to school. Although she knows the difficulties of school, she teaches that it is needed to reach victory and to have prosperity. Betty Lennox promotes education to anyone and everyone because she believes it's the key to triumph. 

Betty Lennox shows hard work and perseverance by never letting anything persuade her to give up, she has true dedication. Betty Lennox is persistent in practicing and constantly working hard: "Most of her teammates had left the practice facility an hour before, but the Sparks' Betty Lennox kept swishing jumpers.'Practice is over, Betty,' Coach Michael Cooper said.'You can go home.' This is nothing new. Lennox shoots for at least another 45 minutes after practice. Off-days mean two-hour workouts....'It could be a good thing and it could be a bad thing,' Lennox said,'but I'm a workaholic.'" (Medina). Lennox mentions how "it could be a good thing or a bad thing" but I think it's a good thing because it shows her dedication. She lets go of everything else and keeps focus on getting better. Betty Lennox even spends her free time working: "...spends much of her spare time in her Minneapolis apartment watching herself on game films and trying to spot areas in need of improvement, Lennox spent the 2000-2001 off-season in Israel, playing on a pro team there in order to hone her competitive skill." (Betty Lennox, Contemporary Black Biography). Lennox is regularly finding things to work on and to better her game. Her difficulties do not stop her , it just makes her work harder. Betty Lennox never takes a break from her job and doesn't let anything stop her. 

Betty Lennox puts other's needs before hers and never gives up; this is why she is considered a hero. "Betty started the foundation called the Lennox Foundation 22, where she helps the needs of abused and neglected children."(Betty Lennox Biography). Lennox cares a lot about fortuneless people and engages in  anything she can to assist them. She also encourages children to finish their schooling. Lennox had trouble with school herself but wanted to set a stupendous example for her fans. She is also a good example to follow because when she sets her mind to something she never gives up. She strives to be the best. "Watch her as she lowers her shoulder and slashes to the basket - the lone guard among the'trees' - and lays it up and in. See her dive for the ball every bit as hard at 32 years of age as when she was rookie of the year in 2000. And notice when she has some of her best games: when her team is struggling, sometimes losing the game."(Favor, Sue). Betty Lennox is so dedicated that she doesn't let anything like size, scores, and age stop her from trying her best. Lennox inspires others because of her allegiance to whatever she does. I first chose Betty Lennox because she is an amazing basketball player but as I kept reading articles about her I realized how amazing of a human she is too. With all her prodigious traits, her living by God's word deeply shows. 



Works Cited

"Betty Lennox." Betty Lennox (Biography Today) (2010): 1. Biography Reference Center. Web. 1 Apr. 2013.     


"Betty Lennox Biography." The Lennox Foundation 22. The Lennox Foundation, n.d. Web. 21Mar. 2013. .


"Betty Lennox." Contemporary Black Biography. Vol. 31. Detroit: Gale, 2001. Biography InContext. Web. 18 Mar. 2013.


Favor, Sue. "Betty Lennox: Veteran Has Learned to Relax." Betty Lennox: Veteran Warrior Has  Learned to Relax | | Inside Women's Basketball. N.p., 14 July 2009. Web.          21 Mar. 2013.      has-learned-relax>.


Medina, Mark. "Betty Lennox Proves a Great Fit for L.A. Sparks." Los Angeles Times. LosAngeles Times, 14 Aug. 2009. Web. 19 Mar. 2013.



Page created on 11/9/2014 10:50:55 AM

Last edited 1/6/2017 11:23:55 PM

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