
Bob Marley

by Sophie Marshall from Llandudno

Bob, surrounded by the three colours of reggae. (google images (
Bob, surrounded by the three colours of reggae. (google images (

Bob Marley is my hero. He was Rastafarian and also a legendary singer/songwriter and musician. His real name was Nesta Robert Marley his wife was called Rita and he's the son his white Jamaican father Norval Marley and Black Jamaican mother Cedella Malcolm. 

Bob Marley has shown dedication to his religion, loved ones and friends throughout his life. He started off with nearly nothing creating instruments from old materials and resources that he could find and made his way up to be the legend he is today along with help from his friends and achieved so many things along the way.

My hero was brought up in Nine Mile, St Ann, Jamaica by his mother Cedella. They lived in a minute hamlet together with Bob's step dad Thaddeus and his son Neville. He never had much to do with his real father nor his father's side of the family. A few years later his mother, step dad and step brother moved to the Trenchtown suburb of Kingston, Jamaica.

Bob looking happy yet frail and ill... (google images (webspace))
Bob looking happy yet frail and ill... (google images (webspace))

Bob was born on the 11th of February 1945. 

32 years later Bob was playing football and badly injured his big toe on his right foot, which wouldn't heal. He was then sent to hospital and was diagnosed with a type of malignant cancer, but Bob continues to perform numerous times. Soon after he gets the cancerous tissue removed and gets a skin graft in Miami.
A few years later in 1980 when Bob is 35 he collapsed and couldn't move his neck for hours, he was taken to hospital where he's unfortunately told he has a brain tumor which is terminal yet Bob still continues to perform even with his wife refusing to let him. Soon Bob gets exhausted and has to rest for a while. He then had to try several treatments which all failed and his cancer continues to get worse. He had to celebrate his 36th birthday in hospital and also becomes the sixth person to have ever received Jamaica's order of merit award. But shortly after this, Bob's struggle against cancer ends and he sadly passed away. He earned the respect and mourning of hundreds of thousands of people. 
He was buried very near to his hometown and in his coffin with him was his guitar, Bible and a distinctive black ring once worn by Haile Selassie as the Rastafarian reincarnation of Jesus himself.

Bob Marley has left a mark on my life because he's a big believer in peace and what he does. So many of his famous quotes are truly inspiring and he is his own person with his own charisma and doesn't care about who thinks what about him and I too believe this is the way everyone should live, in peace.

Page created on 1/6/2013 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 1/6/2013 12:00:00 AM

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Extra Info

'Me don't have prejudice against meself. My father was a white man and me mother white. Them call me half-caste or whatever. Me don't deh pon the black man's side nor the white man's side. Me deh pon God's side, the one who create me and cause me to come from black and white.' -Bob Marley.