
Barack Obama

by Corie from Franklin

:) Barack Obama!! <br>(<br>2009/08/obama-yes-we-can-matte.jpg)
:) Barack Obama!!

My hero would have to be someone that is very successful in life. Someone that took a stand that no one else would do. When they keep their hopes up knowing that no one else has ever done this. Someone who can prove their point no matter what people say or think. Will take a stand when everyone else is giving up. This is why my hero is Barack Obama.

Barack Obama is a person who can relate almost anything to his life. It’s like if he has passed through almost anything a person can pass through. Like when he went to the high school to go give his speech, he was relating our life to his life. When he looks at something bad he relates it to his life or something that has happened to him that can relate to the problem. He has told little and big kids his stories and they have taken his advice and changed their lives. He didn’t have everything that some of the kids now have but he still came upon all the struggles that life had for him.

Barack was a very small child that found it difficult to accept such differences between his mother and his step father's skin colors. In Barack’s teen years this problem caused him to use cocaine, marijuana, and alcohol to deal with his internal conflicts. But today he now looks at this stuff as bad. Barack worked in small organizations which taught him organizational skills. He could have easily taken up a good job after Harvard but for his values and his mother taught him to do something for society and the less privileged.

Obama is a great inspiration to me. I couldn't imagine how our economy would be if Obama wasn't the president. He encouraged many African Americans that you can be black and still be very successful. Even though our society still has a few racist people, it shows that we've came very far in history. It's now 2010 and we have a black president!!!

My conclusion is that Barack Obama is a person that is a trustworthy, hardworking, and a person that can see anything and look at the bright side of almost anything. I think that Barack Obama is going to be a good president. I think that by his bravery we will influence ourselves and do the same and be better people. He will be a good president and I think that he will give us speeches and we will give those speeches to our kids. That’s why I think Barack Obama is a good person to be my hero.

Page created on 2/8/2010 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 2/8/2010 12:00:00 AM

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