
Bill Russell

by Andre from San Diego

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1956, a year that not only Bill would remember, but the many others that were inspired by him. During that single year Bill Russell earned many awards for premier basketball play. Bill Russell played for his race which is why people looked up to him. Bill Russell brought a type of enthusiasm that nobody had ever brought when playing basketball. Bill Russell is considered a hero because he inspired and revolutionized the game of basketball with passion to defense that nobody else had ever brought.

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Bill Russell was more unique than most people because he had a talent for the game that very few people had at the time. Bill Russell didn't bring the tallest stature or strength, but a passion for defense that hadn't been brought before. Bill Russell was one of the very few defensive stars in the league at that time . Basketball players at the time tended to focus more on their offense than their defense which is why Bill Russell stood out. Bill Russell showed people that there was another aspect to game of basketball, other than offense, and inspired others to improve their defense, which is one way that he revolutionized the game of basketball. Russell joined the Celtics and their 1956-1957 season was under way. Russell made his mark immediately, leading the league in defensive rebounds. The Celtics won the next eight NBA championships, a run of success unequaled in American professional sports. During that time, Russell captured four consecutive MVP awards. Bill Russell kept on leading the way to success.

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At the beginning of his career Bill Russell played basketball at a very high level while his race was discriminated, which is why he can be considered a hero. When Bill Russell arrived to play professional basketball with the Boston Celtics in 1956, he found himself the only black player on the team. Bill Russell found this infuriating because he was extremely outspoken about racial injustice. Bill Russell learned to play through any setbacks of the racial discrimination that was occurring during this time. Bill Russell played professional basketball while racial discrimination was taking place, which resulted in racial comments. "When Bill Russell arrived to play professional basketball with the Boston Celtics in 1956, he found himself the only black player on the team. Russell was an outspoken critic of racial prejudice and was often surrounded by controversy" (Bill Russell 10). This quote starts with showing the fact of Bill Russell being the only black person on the team. This is an important sentence because it shows how common a professional black basketball player was on a team in the NBA and how brave Bill Russell was to play during this time. When Bill notices himself being the only black person on the team, it shows that he was aware of the discrimination of African Americans, but continued to give a passion for the game of basketball. This quote shows us that Bill Russell is a hero because he played professional basketball while being discriminated, but still was an inspiration to basketball. As Bill progressed through his career he still was a fighter of racism. "Bill Russell was a star who helped change the face of the NBA forever, for Russell was not only the premier black basketball player, but he was also a black man who fought against racism in both its perceived and actual forms" (Bill Russell 10). When the quote states that Bill Russell was not only a premier basketball player, but a black man who fought against racism that shows how Bill Russell was fighting against being discriminated for his race during his career. Bill was stated in the quote as a star who changed the face of the NBA forever because of such examples of being brave enough to play on a team where he was the only black player. By the quote telling us that Bill wasn't only a premier basketball player, but a fighter against discrimination, it this shows that he is well-known today to have been a fighter for racial discrimination and can be considered a hero today for African Americans. Bill Russell is considered a hero today for not only the game of basketball, but for fighting for racial discrimination.

Bill Russell can be considered a hero because, even with the struggles he had faced, he had a passion for defense that revolutionized the game of basketball today. Bill Russell entered the league during his rookie year already proving himself as  the best defensive player in the league. Bill Russell inspired others to focus on another aspect of the game which was defense. "Bill came to Boston in the middle of the 1956-57 season and helped the Celtics win their first championship ever. The next year, Bill won the first of his five Most Valuable Player awards. In the playoffs, however, he broke his ankle in the third game of the finals, and Boston lost to the Hawks. It was in these great struggles that it became clear how Bill had revolutionized the game of basketball" (BILL RUSSELL 7). At the end of the quote it states that by the great struggles Bill Russell had faced this is how he had revolutionized the game of basketball. This relates to the topic sentence because it shows how Bill had many obstacles during his career, such as injuries and racial discrimination, but even with these obstacles he still brought a passion for the game that nobody else brought. From the passion that Bill brought, people were inspired to give more to the game and by this, it revolutionized the game of basketball. "Russell single-handedly revolutionized this game simply because he made defense so important" (Bill Russell 12). When the quote states that Bill Russell made his defense so important this proves that he made it noticeable that he was more of a defensive then offensive player. When Bill started to show his passion for defense, it began to show people that offense wasn't everything. Professional basketball at the time was basic; Bill Russell's method of showing people his point of view on basketball was to show his passion. Bill Russell's obstacles during his career didn't take a toll on him, but instead brought out the passion in him to play basketball and ignore everything else.

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Bill Russell is considered a hero by many because of the way that he approached the game of basketball, which he did like none other. Bill played outstanding defense and soon became a basketball superstar who won 11 championships with the Boston Celtics. Bill Russell was the first center to dominate the game defensively, but was not only recognized for his athletic achievements but his fight against discrimination. Bill Russell is considered a hero to not only the people who were inspired by him at that time, but also people who were under racial discrimination that he fought for. Bill Russell faced many struggles during his career, but played through it. Throughout Bill Russell's career he ignored all racial discrimination and autographs, but still stayed involved with his fans. Bill Russell inspired people who doubted him and people who believed in him. Bill was the first African American to win the MVP award which inspired many African Americans. Since Bill helped stop racial discrimination by being an outstanding African American sports player this has affected sports and racial discrimination today. Bill Russell made the NBA more accessible for African Americans because of his extravagant career, which is another way that he helped stop racial discrimination. Bill Russell has inspired people and is considered a hero because of his passion for the game of basketball and his fight to end racial discrimination.

Works Cited

"Bill Russell." Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2nd ed., vol. 20, Gale, 2004, pp. 320-322.  Gale

Virtual Reference Library,

"Bill Russell." Contemporary Heroes and Heroines, vol. 1, Gale, 1990. Biography in Context, Accessed 18 Jan. 2017.

Page created on 2/9/2017 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 2/9/2017 12:00:00 AM

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