

by Marlies from Madisonville

“I don't really want people looking to me for inspiration.
I just want to be a sign along the way that points toward Heaven.”
- Bethany Hamilton -
Bethany in the hospital (
Bethany in the hospital (

To me, the word "hero" doesn't mean someone famous. To me, a hero is someone who earned that title. For instance, I don't see a pop star as a hero. A hero is someone who won't change themselves if they look different or stick out. The person who fits all of these characteristics is Bethany Hamilton.

Bethany didn't care when people stopped and stared just because she didn't have an arm. She just kept walking. Yes, in case you didn't know, she is the soul surfer. Her arm was bitten off by a 14-foot tiger shark when she was thirteen years old. However, that didn't stop her from following her dream to become a professional surfer.

the shark that bit Bethany's arm off (
the shark that bit Bethany's arm off (

“I was laying on my board sideways. And then… the shark came up and grabbed a hold of my arm,” she told 20/20. “And then, I was holding onto my board, with my thumb, because I probably didn’t want to get pulled under. It was like pulling me back and forth, not like pulling me underwater. Just like, you know how you eat a piece of steak?… It was kind of like that. And then it let go. And then went under. Then I looked down at the water, and it was like really red, from all the blood in the water.”

Bethany surfing (
Bethany surfing (

Even after the "accident" Bethany experienced, she still surfs beautifully. In 2005, with her right and only arm, Bethany took first place in the NSSA National Championship. Now, Bethany lives in Hanalei, Kauai, Hawaii and she is 21 years old. She was born February 8, 1990 in Lihue, Hawaii. She has a brother named Noah, born on December 7, 1981, and one named Timothy, born on June 14, 1986. She is 5 feet, 11 inches tall.

Obviously, Bethany hasn't changed herself just because of her "accident." She's changed because of the way she handled it. Now, Bethany is better than ever.

Page created on 9/21/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 9/21/2011 12:00:00 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links

TV - videos and pictures of Bethany
Wikipedia - For more about Bethany Hamilton

Author Info

Hey peeps!!!! My name is Marlies. In case you don't know me, I am very, very, very, very, awesome. I enjoy playing my flute (I am in the school band), drawing, painting, hunting, fishing, swiming, surfing, and caring for my pets. My pets' names are: Cookie and Bo (both dogs), Dude, Van and M&M, (all turtles), a hermit crab named Luna, and at one point, I even had a rabbit named CoCo. I am my class's student representative. I am in fith grade. I hope you enjoy this webpage as much as I enjoyed creating it---if that's possible.