
Ben Rife

by Jacqueline from Austin

Jacqueline and Ben
Jacqueline and Ben

Ben Rife is my hero. Why is he my hero you may ask? Ben helps people almost every day. Ben is a firefighter. How did he become interested in helping save people's lives? Ben’s friend was a fire fighter. He thought, " Oh well, maybe I should volunteer." So he did. After volunteering Ben decided to get a job as a fire fighter. And he did; now he has been working as a fire fighter for eleven years.

Ben wakes up at 5:30 almost every morning; he brushes his teeth, shaves, and then gets dressed. After that he drives to the Westlake Hills Fire Department. His job is to drive the fire truck and control the water pressure that is in the hose.

When Ben drives to a fire the men (or women) in the fire truck must quickly jump out including Ben. This is when Ben’s job begins. He must quickly go to the controls for the water pressure and guess how high the pressure should be. If he guesses wrong the fire fighter may go flying.

Ben does not consider himself a hero. So I asked him why. He replied, “I think there are people out there that deserve more respect, like the military." Here are some fun facts: he started working in 1996, and he has eight fire trucks at his station.

Now you have seen why Ben Rife is my hero. But he’s not just my hero because he saves lives, he is also a hero to me for helping the world. He is truly a real amazing, brave, strong hero to me. He is a true hero to me and hopefully to you too.

Page created on 12/8/2006 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 12/8/2006 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

Westlake Fire Department - Westlake Fire Department Home Page