Young Heroes

Bethany Hamilton

by Tyler H. from Sycamore Jr. High

Never Give Up

Bethany Hamilton is a surfer.
Bethany Hamilton rises to challenges.
Bethany Hamilton is a hero.

Bethany Hamilton surfing before the attack. (
Bethany Hamilton surfing before the attack. (

On October 31st, 2003, young surfer, Bethany Hamilton suffered a big loss. But it wasn’t a loss in one of her many surfing heats, she lost her arm! It was Halloween morning in Hawaii, and it was sunny and a perfect day for surfing. Bethany decided that she would go surfing near Tunnels Beach with her best friend, Alana Blanchard and Alana's father and brother. There were also six other surfers practicing nearby. She was catching great waves and all of a sudden, her life changed in an instant. She got bit by a 14 foot tiger shark! The shark bit her just 4 inches below her left shoulder and took the rest of her arm off! She definitely wasn’t expecting that to happen to her on Halloween!

Bethany surfing after the tragic loss of her arm. (Bethany Hamilton Support Website)
Bethany surfing after the tragic loss of her arm. (Bethany Hamilton Support Website)

Bethany was planning on being a professional surfer before her accident in the waves. She was ranked 8th in the world for amateur surfers beforehand. "She is probably the best young surfer I have ever seen," said Bobo Bollin, who works at the Hanalei Surf Company. "She was going to be the women's world champion and I think she still will be." Her whole family has always been surfers and always been involved with her surfing. Bethany only turned 14 on February 8th, 2004, so it was a young age to have something that bad happen to her, but she still has her whole life ahead of her.

Bethany Hamilton definitely qualifies to be a survivor hero according to T.S. Barron’s book, "A Hero’s Trail". She was bit by a tiger shark while surfing, and was able to compose herself, and swim to safety. She also overcame the loss of her left arm and rose to the challenge of going surfing out in the ocean again. This all happened within a month! Her life was at risk when the tiger shark bit her arm completely off and her instincts helped her get to safety and she was successful. Her bravery and courage are evident and those are true hero qualities.

Bethany Hamilton showed that she was a true hero by saving her life. She is now a role model to many people for what she has done. She turned a negative into a positive, which many people can't do! She did this by taking the tragedy that occurred and remained positive and continued to go forward with her dream. This inspired millions of people all across the world to try to find something good in something that only seems bad. She is obviously a survivor hero and and is keeping her surfing career "alive" as well. She went back to surfing and only has one arm, and that is amazing!

Page created on 8/27/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 8/27/2011 12:00:00 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links

Bethany Hamilton Support Website
- This is a support page for Bethany Hamilton.
Bethany is the 2005 NSSA Explorer Women's Champion
- National Scholastic Surffing Association

Extra Info There are many support foundations for Bethany. If you are interested, then go to the above website.

Author Info

My name is Tyler H. I am 14 years old and an 8th grader at Sycamore Jr. High. I was very inspired by Bethany's attitude and accomplishments, so I wanted to create this web page in honor of her.