
Brent Boyle

by Brittany from Sydney

Brent Boyle was born in Sydney, Nova Scotia. Brent had grown up around the fire department his whole life. He was usually there with family members or friends. He became a member himself of the Mira Road Volunteer Fire Department when he turned 19, which was the age you had to be to become a member. He currently resides on Mira Road and has for as long as he can remember. He is also the chief of his department currently at the moment and he hopes to be for as long as possible.

Brent is a brave and courageous man. He would have to be with the job he has. He risks his own life to go into burning buildings or cars to save someone else's life. Someone he doesn't even know at that. He would have to be brave to make some of the decisions he has made. He takes the responsibility of all the memebers of the department. His decision may be the right one, but it also may be the wrong one.

Strong, that's one word I would have to say describes Brent. I don't know many people that have the will and desire to risk their life and their own safety just to help someone else. He is very strong willed, he never gives up. If there is someone who needs help, he will be there. If someone is trapped or lost in a house, he will be heading in. I don't know how he does it but he keeps doing it every year, and he is teaching so many young men and women in his department how to help someone and also be safe yourself. You would have to also be very mentally, physically and emotionally strong. You would have to be able to handle some scenes you end up at. I know when a call comes across my dad's pager,h e doesn't know what to expect, so he prepares himself and then heads out.

A leader, Brent is one. I would have to say all the men and women I have talked to in the department all say that is one word they would use to describe their chief. He is always around the hall, he is dedicated and responsible. If there is a meeting to be called, training, work-party, or anything to do with the hall, he is the one to call them. If there are any problems in the hall or between members he has to work it out and make sure eveyone is happy. I sometimes wonder how he does it, working at the police station during the day, raising a family for his whole life and on the side being a volunteer fire man. It's like having three full-time jobs. In my eyes, that's amazing.

I have been talking a lot with my father about some events that had happened in the fire department in the past few years and he told me some stories that actually scared me. He also said, "Volunteer firemen are the bravest, proudest and most honourable group to be associated with." One thing he said to me that sent chills through my body was, "All volunteer firemen will go to heaven because they've already fought the DEVIL!!"

Page created on 8/26/2006 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 8/26/2006 12:00:00 AM

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