
Bob Burnquist

by Dylan from Dublin, Ohio

A hero to me is someone who is brave. They also have to be nice. I also think they should be friendly and trustworthy. They should also be fun. He should be able to overcome hardships. My hero is pro skateboarder Bob Burnquist.

Bob Burnquist (
Bob Burnquist (

Bob Burnquist is my hero because he is an awesome skateboarder. He is brave because he has done some pretty absurd things. Last year he skateboarded into The Grand Canyon. He also has a loop (that you skateboard on) at his house! Well, he actually has two. One of them has a gap at the top, which means if you were skateboarding on it, you would have to ollie (jump) upside down! He is the only person to ever skate it.

He is nice because he is kind to the environment. He has made eco-friendly skateboard ramps. He is also nice because he does not let his awesomeness get to his head (bragging,thinking he is superior, etc.).

He is also my hero because he is fun. He says really weird things. He bought a time machine off of Ebay once. He hasn’t tried to use it yet.

He also has had to overcome hardships. Rio de Janeiro (his hometown) is one of the most violent cities on earth. Eighty people are killed every week there. Think about it. He had to grow up there.

Some people think he is absurd. I think he is cool.

Page created on 5/28/2007 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 5/28/2007 12:00:00 AM

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