
George Walker Bush

by Jordan from Louisiana

Bush piloting a plane (CBC News Indepth)
Bush piloting a plane (CBC News Indepth)

A Man of Honor

George W. Bush is the President of the United States of America. He was raised in a wealthy family and received a good education from Phillips Academy, Yale University, and Harvard University. He had to work hard in school, but with the help of his mother, he was able to graduate with an advanced degree. Bush endured hardships in his life which I believe helped to make him the man he is today. His father was a successful businessman and politician and traveled much of Bush’s childhood. In spite of these difficulties, he pushed on, and in the end, his work paid off when he was elected president.

Bush at a game (CBC News Indepth)
Bush at a game (CBC News Indepth)

Because of his father’s wealth and position, Bush was most likely exposed to things less fortunate people are not accustomed to. This prepared him for the job that he now has and helped him to be calm in any situation. When he was a young boy, Bush’s younger sister Robin died which assures us that he understands heartache. School was hard for Bush because of his apparent dyslexia. His mother “took him under her protection when he had trouble in school and was drilling him with flash cards on Saturday morning as late as the eighth grade;” but he worked hard and graduated with degrees from both Yale and Harvard. President Bush is a firm Republican and Christian. I admire both of those traits in him because I share them. He also has a family of his own and knows how it feels to have one.

George W. Bush (CBC News Indepth)
George W. Bush (CBC News Indepth)

President George Bush is my hero because he has honor. He has overcome his hardships and used them to make him the man he is today. Bush has been through the same things others have and understands and can relate to how people feel. It is important to me that the man running our country has these qualities. This President knows the people and takes care of them by making wise decisions. He is a wonderful President who cares about the people he serves.

"Our greatest export is freedom and we have a moral obligation to champion it throughout the world" – George W. Bush, from his autobiography A Charge to Keep.

Page created on 1/5/2006 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 1/5/2006 12:00:00 AM

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CBC News Indepth - tells about current events; this particular article is about George W. Bush