
C.S. Lewis

by Kaitlin S from Pennsylvania

"Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil."
C.S. Lewis reading
C.S. Lewis reading

In honor of C.S. Lewis, I did a research about this hero in “Biography Today,” I chose C.S. Lewis because he wrote one of my favorite books “Narnia.” After the research, I was glad I did because I learned so much about him.

Who knew such a normal beginning would give the world such a hero? C.S. Lewis was not born with that name his real name is Clive Staples Lewis. He was born on November 29, 1898 in Belfast, Northern Ireland. His mother and father’s names are Florence and his father Albert Lewis.

The foundation of heroism is education. His mother taught him French and Latin as a child before his mother was diagnosed with cancer. He and his brother were sent away to English school. He went to College University which made up most of Oxford.

Lucy from Narnia opening the wardrobe  (
Lucy from Narnia opening the wardrobe (

Hard work contributes to heroism. He became a scholar of medieval literature as a writer and a speaker of Christianity. He was also popular for some science fiction and fantasy. He was the creator of “Narnia” which was an award winning book.

C.S. Lewis is important to mankind and changed the world. He is important because he was an amazing writer who had a perfect way with words. He started reading before he was 5 years old. He started plotting his books when he was a child. His mother died after a diagnosis of cancer, and later after struggling she died. She taught him what he needed to know to have a successful life the way he was when he wrote those books. He was married for years, her name was Joy Davidson Gresham. He was stepfather of two of her sons. When Joy died he got custody of the two boys.

Page created on 12/10/2009 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 12/10/2009 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

C.S. Lewis Quotes - Quotes that C.S. Lewis has said
C.S. Lewis Biography - Tells all about his life