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One of the last beautiful pictures of Corrie. (https://www.clcpublications.com/authors/corrie-ten ()) |
"The measure of a life, after all, is not its duration, but its donation" ( Boom). These astounding words describe the gracious and glorifying life Corrie ten Boom lived. Corrie ten Boom is a Dutch citizen, who grew up as a devoted Christian. Corrie, along with her family, were arrested and sent out to concentration camps for helping Jews hide during the Holocaust. Prior to Corrie's unknown release, she wrote a best selling book, The Hiding Place, and recieved several tributes ("Corrie Ten Boom." Biography.com ). Corrie never neglects her faith or the people that need compassion, in spite of her circumstances. Her selflessness towards the wellbeing of others, and passion to spread her faith make Corrie a hero.
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Corrie's book on her life during the Holocaust. (http://christianbooknotes.com/2010/the-hiding-plac ()) |
Corrie and her family were selfless to set aside the dangerous consequences, to help the Jews escape Nazi Territory. Unlike common people who turn their head and walk away, Corrie neglects to stand by. "Under the bottom shelf of Corrie's closet was a door leading to a secret room, a cramped but essential hiding place in case the Gestapo came. To help those they could not shelter in Haarlem, the ten Booms also established a network of "safe houses" in the country. Corrie was the overseer of all these operations" ("Corrie Ten Boom." UXL). What most people consider dangerous, Corrie considers a role in life. Because she loves God's people, Corrie did not hesitate to help. The tasks were not simple to do, but it did not stop the ten Booms. "Smuggling to their shop bricks in a grandfather clock case and paint in milk bottles, the family built on the third floor of their home a bookcase, behind which they hid Jews from Nazi officers. Some one hundred local teenagers assisted the ten Booms, and their work saved an estimated seven hundred Jewish lives" ("Corrie ten Boom." Contemporary). Whether it was operating safe houses or building a hiding place, Corrie's efforts impacted the lives of these Jews. Unaware of the future outcome, her support saved hundreds of Jewish lives. Corrie dedicates her time by always putting other lives before her own. She impacts their lives, by doing sizable things no one else would.
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A ten Boom family photo from Corrie's childhood. (http://tenboom.org/photoalbumc52df2d.html?photoAlb ()) |
The Holocaust was a time when Corrie depended to her faith to help her. She immediately wanted to spread her faith and aid others who suffered. Corrie did not stop practicing her faith or stop helping people after her release. "Once World War II ended ten Boom increased her efforts to fulfill her promise to her sister, soliciting donations and banding friends together to establish a rehabilitation center. Housing displaced persons and former prisoners, it served as a training center for evangelical workers" ("Corrie Ten Boom." UXL). Corries passions shines through with her dedication to constantly give back, even when she faced a load herself. When she had nothing left, she looked towards her Christianity. Her faith gave her the fuel to keep on living. Being grateful for God she felt inspired to spread her faith to countless others. "Corrie ten Boom returned to the Netherlands after the war and set up a rehabilitation center for concentration camp survivors. In the Christian spirit to which she was so devoted, she also took in those who had cooperated with the Germans during the occupation." ("Corrie Ten Boom" Biography.com). Christianity was the unwritten fuel that gave Corrie her determination to keep moving every day. Corries acts of kindness reached out to everyone, even the ones who caused her, and many others, pain. It is not simple to continue to be strong after challenges come your way. But through those challenges Corrie depended on her faith to keep her strength and find her courage. She is grateful for Christianity and spent her life spreading that love.
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The secret hiding room that hid many Jews. (http://www.thevineandbranches.org/index.cfm/featur ()) |
Corrie has a strong influence towards her connection with God, and inspires others to be kind to everyone. She welcomes the unwanted because she sees them as God's People. Her goal is for people to believe in God because she strongly loves Him and is thankful for her relationship. It is important to be selfless because helping others brings self value and happiness, that can spread on to others. (Becker) It is also important to be passionate because it encourages the best version of yourself, and gives you the influence to inspire. (Kurup). "Corrie ten Boom became a leader in the "Beje" movement, overseeing a network of "safe houses" in the country. Through these activities, it was estimated that 800 Jews' lives were saved" ("Corrie Ten Boom." Biography.com ). Corrie is an inspiration because she dedicated time to Jewish people, who tried to survive during the harsh period. She continued to help even as it harmed her family. "Nobody can do the work that God has mapped out for you" (Ywam). Corrie is true to her own faith. She recognizes she is a part of changing the world. She uses her strength from God to keep pushing her forward. As a fellow Christian, Corrie opened my eyes to a deeper relationship with my faith. Her aspirations to give back to the world inspire me to always be kind and grateful. I learned that some actions I make no one else may do. Which is essential to changing the standard way people act today. I perceived the power of her words when I discovered her story. I now have an inspiration who I can reflect to, during challenges in my life. Corrie ten Boom's life was not influential because she lived her life to the fullest, but instead it was the things she did to give back to her world around her. It was her donation that made her the true inspirational hero. Works Cited Becker, Joshua, et al. "The Pursuit of Selflessness." Becoming Minimalist, 9 June 2014, www.becomingminimalist.com/selflessness/. Boom, Corrie Ten, et al. The Hiding Place. Washington Depot, CT, Chosen Books, 1971. "Corrie Ten Boom." Biography.com. A&E Networks Television, 08 Apr. 2015. Web. 17 Jan. 2017. "Corrie ten Boom." Contemporary Authors Online, Gale, 2007. Biography in Context, link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/H1000097894/BIC1?u=powa9245&xid=dc0a4c59. Accessed 12 Jan. 2017. "Corrie Ten Boom." UXL Biographies, UXL, 2011. Student Resources in Context, link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/EJ2108102237/SUIC?u=powa9245&xid=22db1749. Accessed 12 Jan. 2017. Kurup, Veena. "Why It's So Important To Be Passionate." Thought Catalog, Thought Catalog, 25 Nov. 2013 thoughtcatalog.com/veena-kurup/2013/11/why-its-so-important-to-be-passionate/. Ywam. "Surrender - Corrie Ten Boom ." YouTube, YouTube, 25 July 2014, www.youtube.com/watch?v=rX0GTP5NoR8.
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Last edited 2/4/2017 12:00:00 AM