
Charles Darwin

by Bryce from Morrisburg, Canada

Charles Darwin ( ())
Charles Darwin ( ())

Hello my name is Bryce. Charles Darwin is my hero because he is curious, courageous, and he perseveres. He studied different kinds of plants and even created new species. Also he studied reptiles, fish, amphibians, and mammals, and discovered new species. Those are the reasons he is my hero.

Charles Darwin was born in February 12, 1809 and died April 19, 1882. During this time he gathered and discovered enough information to write a book on his theory in 1859. He became interested in nature at a young age. After he became very interested in nature he neglected his medical education and began to study evolution. This led to what he's known for now.      

Darwin was curious because he looked into things, he also studied plants and created new kinds (this is how the yellow tomato was created). As I mentioned before he studied fish, insects, mammals, amphibians, plants, birds, and reptiles. That's why I think he's curious.

I think Darwin is courageous because he stood up against everyone and said they were wrong (At the time everybody was with the idea that God created humans).  He stood up against Richard Owen. Richard Owen was Darwin's rival. Owen hated Darwin and claimed Darwin's theory was wrong and that his was right. Owen and Darwin both had different theories.  Darwin said we started from little fish. Owen said we started from something else.

Darwin persevered because although people wouldn't accept his theory he continued to try to persuade them that he was right. Also he continued to study the animals even if they were dangerous. Also he continued to study even if it was hard. To help Darwin study he went on a five year voyage on the HMS Beagle.

In conclusion Charles Darwin has been able to stand up against everyone, continued to persuade them until his theory was accepted, looked into things and even discovered new species. For all these reasons Charles Darwin is a marvellous hero!

Page created on 1/15/2012 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 1/15/2012 12:00:00 AM

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