
Christopher Gardner

by Mariah from San Diego

A man is walking down the street pushing a stroller with his son in one hand, struggling to hold all that’s left of his belongings in the other. Exhausted from a days' work he sluggishly drags on trying to find warmth in the chilled San Francisco air. This was once the story of the Wall Street multi-millionaire, Chris Gardner. When Chris was younger, due to his mothers arrest he was sent into foster care. Fatherless, Gardner promised himself that when he got older his children would know whom their father was. As time passed on he experienced homelessness, who would have known that his journey was only about to begin. From living on the streets to working on Wall Street, Chris Gardner's personal hardships conveys the significance of putting passion into goals and demonstrates that anyone can reach an "impossible" dream.

Chris has come a long ways from sleeping in subway restrooms and eating at soup kitchens. It was a year until he got the job at Dean Witter Reynolds and on the way, he made a difference by influencing others to dream big and work hard. It's better to do something that you love. "You got a dream you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you that you can't do it. You want something? Go get it. Period" (Chris Gardner). This remark was given to Christopher Gardner Jr. as a way to show that, Gardner wants him to have better, and to be better. The obstacles and suffering he went through made a better life for his son, which made it all worth it in the end. By spreading his personal experiences, and knowledge, people have a role model to guide them. Time passes on and the recognition of his story changes his surroundings as companies use his influence, to enlighten. "With hard work and tenacity, Gardner climbed the financial services ladder, eventually founding his own successful brokerage firm. As the new Ambassador of Pursuit and Happyness for AARP, Gardner embarks on a new mission: to inspire and empower individuals to pursue their authentic happyness by sharing his own hard-won wisdom" (PR Newswire). He spreads his knowledge in the hopes of informing individuals that there is a solution but, it takes determination and patience. Pursuing happyness isn't just a myth and Gardner is a living, breathing example. His influence is strong and grows over the years as a man of character.

You can define character in many ways; it implies a variety of attributes, it depends on which way you want to see it. His childhood was not any easier, "'For Gardner it's been the driving force by which he has defied the social imprint set by an absentee father and an abusive, alcoholic step-father and lifted himself out of homelessness.' Today, Gardner is involved with homelessness initiatives assisting families to stay intact, and assisting homeless men and women who are employed but still cannot get by"(Holcomb, Sabrina). Don't we all wish someone could help you when you fall, to help with your struggles and failures? Now that Gardner has the finical help, he is doing the great duty to help the people in the position he was in so he can be the one they can depend on. Gardner has claimed that his mother said something that still drives him to this day. "Unable to afford an apartment when a former girlfriend gave him full custody of their child, a two-year-old boy named Chris Jr. The rooming house where he lived would not accept children, but he refused to give him up. 'I had a stepfather who said to me, 'I ain't your Daddy,' and from early on, I knew how not to be. I would never leave my children fatherless,' he says"(Hampson, Sarah). It takes bravery to not follow the example of the person you were raised by but, it is courage to do better than what you had and to be not afraid to work for better. This is the lesson he tries to get across, his morals are good and character even better. It's who he is and what he acts on, that defines him. It is his determination that is key.

With perseverance, and dedication Chris demonstrates taking a leap of faith and doing what you love is important. But without self motivation, to do what you can, to reach for what you want determines on your choice to giving it up or work hard and maybe someday get there. "His journey, as a father and a business owner, has been defined by overcoming obstacles, breaking cycles and embracing change. Whether seeking incentive to pursue new challenges, searching for fulfillment at a new stage of life, or crafting the legacy they want to leave behind"(PR Newswire). Empowering people to undertake their own "Pursuit of Happyness," Chris believes in himself to carry out a message that has been lost. To have the courage to stand up and wanting to do better, to be better takes something that we all want, integrity. He went into an environment that he wasn't familiar with in hopes of seeking a job that would better his situation. "Gardner worked to become a top trainee at Dean Witter Reynolds. He arrived at the office early and stayed late each day, persistently making calls to prospective clients with his goal being 200 calls/day. His perseverance paid off when, in 1982, Gardner passed his licensing exam on the first try and became a full employee of the firm."("Biography.")In 1982, Chris finally got a job with revenue at Dean Witter. But the struggles he went through were in the span of a year. Beside the circumstances he finished what he had started, achieving more than a job, he also achieved hope.

From living on the streets to working on Wall Street, Chris Gardner's alteration exemplifies the importance of putting passion in your work and demonstrates that anyone can reach an "impossible" dream. His story is moving and legendary, he continuously stuns by contributing with local communities and schools. This isn't the last we are going to hear of Chris Gardner, his success is going to waver on. Chris Gardner is my hero.

Page created on 7/15/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 7/15/2011 12:00:00 AM

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Hampson, Sarah. . ""From the gutter to the stars: Will Smith is set to play him in a movie, but his life has been no fa." Gale Opposing Viewpo.

PR Newswire . ""AARP Welcomes Chris Gardner as New Ambassador to Empower the 50+ Audience as They Undertake Their O." PR Newswire .

Gardner, Christophor. "“Biography." ." [Online] Available ..

Holcomb, Sabrina. . "The long road to 'Happyness': from living on the street to working on Wall Street, Chris Gardner's . NEA Today