Have you ever met someone that has changed your life the moment you met them? I have. Carolyn Hayden is one of several special Ed teachers at Newhart Middle School. In sixth grade I had the blessing of meeting her. Ever since I was six or seven I was interested in helping those with special needs. I was interested in helping them because I am very considerate to disabled people. My dad is the most caring person I know, he taught me many things about putting others ahead of myself. Middle school is when I put my interest to work, and made a difference. Carolyn Hayden is the woman that made that possible. She is the strongest, most reliable, determined woman I have ever had the pleasure to meet. I am a high school student researching my personal career hero for my College and Career planning class. I have always been interested in pursuing a Special Ed teacher career; Carolyn Hayden inspired me even more so.
Being a Special Ed teacher means putting everyone else around you ahead of yourself. You must have patience and determination in order to succeed. You need to give every student your undivided care and attention at all times. In order to have any kind of chance at being successful in this line of work, you must have a bachelor's degree and a teaching credential. According to a special-ed.com, the average yearly salary that a Special Ed teacher receives is $51,380 in California; this data was updated in 2014. Similar careers would be a psychologist, or even a regular Ed teacher. According to autismspeaks.org, in 2013 there was great maturation in autism research. It was proven that autism is a whole-body disorder. This evidence appeals to me because I greatly appreciate new advances in the study of any kind of disability. I believe that eventually there will be a cure for everything, and so does Carolyn Hayden.
Carolyn Hayden's whole life she has always been a considerate and caring person, especially towards those in need. From talking to her in person recently, I have seen how mentally and physically strong a person can be. She was diagnosed with breast cancer two months ago. I have been visiting her in the hospital and in the classroom. She has still been going in the classroom and getting work done and supporting her students. Her personality traits help me to be the best I can be when it comes to being in the classroom and working hands-on. In order to pursue this career, you need to be determined and willing to make sacrifices. Organization is also an important skill. Carolyn Hayden has those traits and more. Right now she is a very successful Special Ed teacher at Newhart Middle School. She is very respectable. Currently she is battling breast cancer, and she still manages to get herself in the classroom as much as she possibly can.
Carolyn Hayden contributes to society in almost everything she does. She always thinks of other people before herself. For her, being a special education teacher has taught her so many things about patience and determination. Teaching is a way of giving back to society. Maura Miles, her best friend and co-worker says "She is the smartest most loving woman I know". Maura Miles is also a teacher in B6, she is also Carolyn Hayden's best friend. Not only does Maura think this but each and every one of her students and administrators.
My goal is to pursue a life filled with love and kindness like Carolyn Hayden's. Right now I am an A-B student. I take all the classes I am required to take and I play volleyball. I am in the Love our Ladies club which is based on feminism and equality. One day I hope to achieve a 4.0 GPA and attend the college of my choice. I would like to play volleyball at a college level and get my degree in psychology. When I graduate I would like to live in a house with my family. I want to live comfortably with no money problems. Carolyn Hayden inspired me to be kind to others and to succeed at all things. She has taught me to try my hardest at whatever I do.
Page created on 1/17/2016 12:00:00 AM
Last edited 1/17/2016 12:00:00 AM