
Crazy Horse

by James from Leawood

     A lot of people don't know who Crazy Horse really was. Some people have heard his name and others know a little bit about him. A lot of people don't know how big of a figure he really was. Born in 1840, Crazy Horse grew up in the Black Hills of South Dakota. He had a father by the name of Worm, a mother who passed away when he was around the age of eight years old, a brother, and a sister who was ten years older than him.

     Crazy Horse wanted to fight at an early age. Later in his life he would keep doing this. His earliest example of this is when he was at a young age; he snuck into a war and became an errand boy for his tribe. Around the age of fourteen, he went into a battle and killed three men. Besides having the bravery to fight, he was also very generous. He helped out his tribe and would give food to them. At an early age his family had hunted five deer for them to eat. Not really knowing how much they had, he gave out the food to his tribe. He would always help his people no matter if it was in battle or back with his tribe.

     Starting in 1876, Native American tribes started expanded to where the U.S. army didn't want them to. A war then broke out between many tribes and the U.S. army.  Crazy Horse knew that in order to defend his people he needed to fight the U.S. army. He took to many battles where he won including the battle of Little Big Horn where Crazy Horse teamed up with Chief Sitting Bull. This victory was over General Custer. Crazy Horse wanted his people to still live the way they used to and kept fighting on. More and more people came in from the east though in search of the newly found gold in the black hills. Native Americans had a hard time surviving and some fled to Canada. Crazy horse stayed for the fight.  The winter was hard for his tribe to live, and Crazy Horse surrendered. He put them on a reservation and went to jail. While the officers where around him he got into a fight with them and was bayoneted in the kidney. He died with his father by him on September 5th, 1877. Even though he didn't win the fight, he still tried and kept on going as long as he could.

     Crazy Horse wasn't just a normal Native American; he was an honorable, brave, and a generous man. He always tried to do the best for his people, even when times were hard. Crazy Horse should be remembered as one of the greatest heroes because of how much courage he had to carry on. He was a great leader and even though he is not as well-known as other heroes, he is still one of the greatest.

Page created on 8/30/2012 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 8/30/2012 12:00:00 AM

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