
Chris Kyle

by Nicole from San Diego

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"Our flag honors those who have fought to protect it, and is a reminder of the sacrifice of our nation's founders and heroes. As the ultimate icon of America's storied history, the Stars and Stripes represents the very best of this nation"(Joe Barton). Chris Kyle is a representation of this quote because of all his achievements in his life. Chris Kyle was a former U.S. Navy SEAL who was considered the deadliest sniper in U.S. military history. He was raised as a Christian and is still a practicing his faith. Chris Kyle is known for his amazingly long and accurate shooting. He has won several medals in honor of those shots. He has two Silver Stars, five Bronze Stars With Valor, two Navy and Marine Corps Achievement medals and one Navy and Marine Corps commendation. Chris recently died on February 2, 2014, due to a troubled veteran that was suffering from PTS he was helping. Chris was in and out of the battle fields for about six years between 2003 and 2009. A hero is someone who has noble qualities and has achieved or done outstanding things. Chris Kyle demonstrates courageous, selfless and fighter attributes on and off the battlefield making him a true hero.

Chris Kyle shows his brave and courageous moves on the battlefield during the war. In the beginning of Chris Kyle's book, he talks about one of first kills which was a woman and a boy who went out to go kill the marines with a grenade."I don't see too much gray," Kyle wrote in his book, which opens with him killing a woman determined to lob a Chinese grenade at a unit of approaching Marines (Alex)." Kyle demonstrated a bold characteristic by choosing to kill this woman. Without his good eye seeing she was holding a grenade, many marines could have died. Another occurring event in Kyles' time on the war field was a young man appeared in the streets with a gun prepared to shoot his marines he was protecting. ."As the Marines came in, a teenager, I'd guess about fifteen, sixteen, appeared on the street and squared up with an AK-47 to fire at them. I dropped him (Kyle)." Although the Iraqi was just a boy, his mission was set out to kill U.S. soldiers. Kyle showed his bravery by taking action of saving many men. Later on an event occurred where Kyle was crossing paths with another Iraqi man, "Willing it away didn't work.. I crept slowly to the side, altering my course. Some enemies aren't worth fighting (Chris)." On the battlefield it is a constant debate whether to kill a human being even if their actions speak otherwise. Making sure that you don't blow your cover is more important. It took him courage to not shoot this man knowing that he is getting away. Kyles' courage brought him to be a well known man for saving so many lives and without courage he wouldn't have been able to do that.

A picture of my cousin and Chris Kyle  ( ())
A picture of my cousin and Chris Kyle ( ())

Kyle demonstrates many positive attributes such as a characteristic of selflessness. Everyone around Kyle observed that he went above and beyond to fulfill his motto that his brother once said he lived by. "Chris lived by a professional motto: 'It is our duty to serve those who serve us.' And he and Chad died honoring this creed, Kyle's brother, said (Howerton)." Not only did Kyle serve as a SEAL for over four tours, he believed that he still needed to give back to his country. After coming home from his last tour, Kyle severely struggled with post traumatic stress. This later influenced him to also help others who struggled with the disorder. Kyle displayed his selflessness not only on the war field, but after serving his time by being a good candidate of helping and supporting others. Continuing with many of Kyles' good deeds "This man went above and beyond the call of duty," he said. Not only was he a volunteer in the military - to give service while we were in combat, then he volunteered to be in the SEAL teams, he volunteered again to be in the sniper program (Chris)." On top of Kyle's above and beyond action on the war field and mentoring ex-soldiers, he also taught people how to shoot properly. Kyle's actions are always showing others how selfless he can be by being kind hearted and putting everyone else's needs before his own. Even though Kyle is the best sniper the U.S. has ever had and he has saved many people, he is still living in the sadness and grief of not being able to help the others that he could not save. "People tell me I saved hundreds and hundreds of people. But I have to tell you: it's not the people you saved that you remember. It's the ones you couldn't save (Kyle)." Kyle has a big heart for his men. Even though he saved thousands of lives after each tour it wasn't enough. Kyle always looked for other ways to help others, constantly putting others before himself no matter what.

Another way Kyle shows that he is a hero, is how he fights through all the severe pain and does what he can for his country. Throughout the war a lot of injuries came along with being out there. Kyle tired to go as minimal as possible, but when he did go he ignored some of the doctors request, "I'd first hurt my knees in Fallujah when the wall fell on me. Cortisone shots... but the pain kept coming back and getting worse. The docs told me I needed to have my legs operated on...I would have to take time off and miss the war. So I kept putting it off (Kyle)." Although Kyle is in excruciating pain, he doesn't lose focus on his assignment. His severe injury could have been a huge setback but he continued to stay strong for his men. Not everyone can show as much pride as Kyle did in fighting for his county. During the war not only does the men get physically hurt but it puts a lot of stress on you mentally. "It's funny --- sometimes the strongest individuals feel the worst when events are out of their control, and they can't really be there for the people they love. I've felt it myself (Kyle)." This quotes demonstrate what a strong individual Kyle is physically and emotionally. Throughout each tour he was away for, he was also gone and didn't get to see his kids grow up. Yet although the transition of finally being home was tough, lost times were quickly made up. "I didn't go to a doctor. You go to a doctor and you get pulled out. I knew I could get by (Kyle)." Even though Kyle became ill, he didn't want to risk being taken out of the war and not being able to fight for his country. He fought his pain off and told himself that his country needed him. Chris Kyle demonstrates his fighter qualities when he is at his weakest points showing how strong he is to be committed to his country and put aside his own problems for it.

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Kyle is a hero due to his brave actions, putting others before himself, and fighting for what he believes in no matter what it takes. Kyle shows all his attributes when he helped the men on the battlefield, protected our country, held the men with PTS, and taught people how to shoot guns. He was constantly giving back to those soldiers and soldiers families. I believe in the same morals and religious beliefs as him so it makes it even easier to relate to him. He inspires me to stay loyal and strong for my beliefs. Kyle is also very wise and truly understands life since he's been through so much. I admire how honest he is about how society is and doesn't sugar coat it as well. Kyle is just in general a compassionate man thinking about his fellow men and their families. We can all take away many lessons from Kyle such as taking bold move, fighting for what we believe in, and protecting the ones we love. If we do this, we can all benefit from each other and over all live a better life. Alex, and Er Nazaryan. "'American Sniper' and the Soul of War; Clint Eastwood's American Sniper shows we can all learn a profound lesson from the most lethal sharpshooter in U.S. military history." Newsweek 30 Jan. 2015. Biography in Context. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. "Chris Kyle." Gale Biography in Context. Detroit: Gale, 2012. Biography in Context. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. Howerton, Jason. "The Real Legacy of Chris Kyle: A 'True American Hero' Who Devoted His Life to Serving Others." The Blaze. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. Kyle, Chris, and Scott McEwen. American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History. New York: W. Morrow, 2012. Print.

Page created on 2/18/2015 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 2/18/2015 12:00:00 AM

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