
Chris Kyle

by Mason from Pflugerville

Chris Kyle is THE AMERICAN SNIPER, he took out as many Iraqi insurgents as possible to protect his country. He served four tours in Iraq so he protect our troops. Chris Kyle was born April 8, 1974, in Odessa, Texas, and was taught at a young age to protect his family. After high school he was a bronco rider for the rodeo. After riding broncos he tried applying for the U.S Marine Corps, but was rejected for the pins in his hand when he broke his hand. Kyle eventually received a 24 week Basic Underwater Demolition/Seal school (BUDS for short).

Kyle joined Seal Team 3 as a sniper in the Iraqi war. Chris fulfilled his mission the day of the tour through very tragic circumstances. He later said "The woman was already dead. I was just making sure she didn't take any marines with her. It was clear that not only did she want to kill them, but she didn't care about anyone else nearby who would have been blown up by the grenade or killed in the fire fight. Children on the street, people in the houses, maybe her children." He was so well known in Ramadi, that he was called "THE DEVIL OF RAMADI" because he took out so many insurgents. 

No one really knows how many insurgents, but Kyle is considered the best sniper in United States history. Kyle's shooter's statements are reported to be higher than any other sniper. The Pentagon has officially confirmed more than 150 from Kyle in the war, and there is still more to come. The number always changes; some days it's higher, some days it's lower and then some are in the middle. If you ever get the chance ask the marines and they might give you a truthful answer if you ask them the right day.

Chris Kyle got back from the war and had two kids and also had PTSD. He went to a therapist and he asked him how many people did you shoot over there? Then Kyle said "I'm willing to meet my creator and answer for every shot I took." He started going to people with PTSD and took them to a gun range to shoot. That's when he took this guy out to shoot and he was shot by him. The guy who shot him later got arrested and was punished badly, but for Kyle it was worst. He never got to see his kids or his family again. He is buried at the Texas state cemetery in Austin, Texas. His memorial service was at the Dallas Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Texas. Chris Kyle will always be remembered and with all of his bravery and American pride.

Page created on 5/27/2015 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 5/27/2015 12:00:00 AM

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