
Carolyn Ocampo

by Chester from Van Nuys

My hero is my mom

I admire many people because they help us to protect us, teach us and heal us. These people are teachers, polices, and doctors. I like them because they are there when we need them like my mother.

I admire my mom because, like teachers, she helps us to have a better life. She is working in daycare. Teachers help the children to achieve their goals in their lives. Teachers are teaching about all the things about life. They help children know what to do when other people need help about their job or about computers, that I can help them. They help to keep us on track in life so that we don’t fail in each subject and have a better grade than failing.

I admire my mom because, like police, my mom is there when somebody hit me or is embarrassing me, my mom is there. When somebody is embarrassing me she always calls the school and files a problem with that kid that embarrassed me in front of people. She is always there when I’ve been hit by somebody and she always is there when I‘ve been bullied by someone until now she is still guarding me with some kid who is bullying me.

I admire my mom because, like doctors, she is there when I need her. She is there when I'm in an accident or bike accident, and she is there when I'm sick or I have something I need when I'm sick and she is there when I need help with my problem with my health or something like headache. She always knows how to prevent it.

She is maybe normal, but she can help me and all of me to protect and achieve my goals in life. They can do anything to save me from failing, protecting, and healing me. That’s why I need her in my life, not only mine, but my family's.

Page created on 11/8/2009 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 11/8/2009 12:00:00 AM

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