
Carey M. Thomas

by Tiana from Wallingford

Carey M. Thomas was a hero. She was born 1857-1935 and she was born in Baltimore, Maryland in the United States. She was very important back in the 19 century because she was the first woman to become a college president. She’s not that important to other people unless you go to her college that she ran or if you saw how enthusiastic and brave she was and if you think about it she was in a really high class for women back then. Some of the things she did to make herself important was she failed a lot of time. She took many tests and she failed. On the 6th try, she got it and got ranked higher. Once she became the president of the college, she was one of the best people in the building at her time. She was brave to stand up to people and tell them that they were wrong and that’s really hard for some people to hear. She had a lot of confidence in herself and she managed to get ranked very high and she wasn’t done. She wanted to go farther but she did not achieve that goal but she was pretty close.

A picture of Carey M. Thomas ( womenshall/html/thomas.html)
A picture of Carey M. Thomas ( womenshall/html/thomas.html)

She graduated Cromwell College on 1877. She was a very bright women, she was very brave and my hero has to be very brave. Many people thought she wouldn’t be able to achieve what she wanted but she did and many of her enemies as she called them were shocked. People were giving her dirty looks and criticizing her but she didn’t care, she knew she could do it and she set her mind to it. She was in all the top classes, she never skipped a day of school, and she always wanted to do well. She always paid attention to classes and she said "School is not for friends, it’s for education" and that’s a quote that many people should consider. The impact was a woman who was getting higher in the rank of school and she was getting all these degrees and they didn’t think she could do this.

Carey M. Thomas (
Carey M. Thomas (

1884! she became a dean of college and chair of English at the new college. She was brighter and she got a higher degree. She was achieving what she wanted to achieve and that’s part of my definition of a hero. She wanted to get higher so she became a dean of college and she wanted everything that she could get or at least try to get. She worked her hardest and tried her best and the school she was dean of that was her school and she was the one in charge. She was the hardest working female in the United States that I think and I think she’s an amazing hero because of this. She tried her best and she got what she wanted. She was the first woman dean in the whole United States.

The benefits that Carey had was she left behind a fantastic college for other people to get their education. She has done a lot for the college. She put a lot of effort to make the next group of people have a great life as she did. She had made the college a fantastic place. Her ashes are still there at the campus to share that she is very proud of what she did.


The benefits that Carey had was she left behind a fantastic college for other people to get their education. She has done a lot to the college. She put a lot of effort to make the next group of people have a great life as she did. She had made the college a fantastic place. Her ashes are still there at the campus to share that she is very proud of what she did. Some advice Carey M. Thomas would give me is that I should try my best on all the stuff I do and it’s ok to fail more than once. She has realized that all the mistakes she made helped her. The next time she tried the same things and she would say do what you want in your life and to be yourself no matter what you want to do. That is why Carey M. Thomas is my hero.

Page created on 9/4/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 1/6/2017 8:36:25 PM

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Author Info

Do you have a hero today? Do you want one??? Well I believe everyone should have a hero. My hero is Carey M. Thomas and she was a president of Bryn Mawr College. She fits my definition of a hero. My definition of a hero is a person that they are themselves and have confidence in themselves. Also who can try or achieve their goal. Many people don’t think they need a hero but I'm here to change that decision because they are really helpful for you to achieve what you want.