
Christian Carl Frederik Albert Alexander Vilhelm (King Christian X of Denmark)

by JaJa from Iowa City


The Holocaust is a devastating, ugly event in human history, but amidst the catastrophe, great heroes emerge. One such hero is King Christian X of Denmark (1870-1947), who reigned during the Nazi occupation of Denmark during World War II. He was an advocate for Danish sovereignty and the protection of Jews from the Nazis.

The king was a symbol of "mental resistance" for the Danes. Every morning, he would ride his horse throughout the city, acknowledging greetings from the Danish people but completely ignoring the salutes of Nazi soldiers, a message to the Germans that they were not welcome in Denmark. In addition, on the king's 72nd birthday, Hitler sent him a very lengthy, benevolent letter of congratulations. Christian responded with a mere Meinen besten Dank. Chr. Rex (in English: many thanks, King Rex). This outraged Hitler, but bolstered the respect the Danes had for their king. King Christian X became a figure of Danish pride and freedom.

King Christian X was also a protector of Danish Jews. A well-known myth is that he wore the Star of David on his shirt sleeve in retaliation of Jewish persecution. Although this myth is false (the Star of David was never implemented in Denmark), it originated during a discussion with the minister of finance, in which Christian said that if the Nazis were to introduce the Star of David in Denmark, then "perhaps we should all wear it." The Danes followed their king's example in their rebellion against Jewish deportation; altogether, they helped 7220 Jews escape into Sweden and only 464 Danish Jews were caught. Even then, the Danes made an agreement with the Germans to take care of the Jews and sent them aid packages. The Danes wanted to send a message that the Nazis weren't deporting Jews--they were deporting Danes.


The example set by King Christian X influenced not only the Danes, but the entire world. Because of his strength and dedication to peace and humanity, thousands of Jews were saved. King Christian X is my hero because he stood up against a formidable force (Hitler against the Nazis) and kept the Danes safe.

Page created on 11/7/2010 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 11/7/2010 12:00:00 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Extra Info

"Christian X of Denmark: Second World War Danish King Who Defied Hitler." Online Magazine and Writers' Network. Web. 05 Nov. 2010. .

"NAPF Youth Outreach: Peace Heroes: King Christian X of Denmark by Anna Bershteyn." Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. Web. 06 Nov. 2010. .