
Carol Warrington

by Ali from Georgetown

Life is meaningless only if we allow it to be. Each of us has the power to give life meaning, to make our time and our bodies and our words into instruments of love and hope.

A hero is a person who will give their life for you. Loving, respectful, and is full of life. My grandmother Carol is a loving person. She's there for you when needed, along with helping others. I have a friend where both of her parents have cancer, my grandma volunteered to raise money to help her family with the situation. I believe my grandma is a inspiration in life. She keeps you up and alive, even when you're depressed.

Throughout my life there have been many tough times when Carol was there for me. Even though I'm her granddaughter she is there for everyone, including people she doesn't know. I look up to my grandmother in everything. I hope one day I can live a life just like hers because I want to make a change, and keep someone's heart running. I want to see people happy because of what I did. I want to help others and to be just like my grandma.

My hero grew up in a little community called Del-mar. Not too many families were located in that town. They had a high-school, along with 80 people in each class. A few people dropped out back then, for jobs and families, but my grandma kept her head strong and completed school. Some people say you never are happy, but you have to believe you ended up in a place because God wanted you to be there. This life was meant for you and if you don't like it, you can change it. It's never going to be easy, but try.

My hero was born in the 1960’s in Del-Mar. She was in of 6 children and was the oldest. Back in the day it was very challenging to have food due to the Depression, so it was hard growing up with 8 people in the house.

My grandma is the main person in life that makes me happy. She has made a difference in my life by helping me with family issues, deaths, and accidents that have popped up throughout my life. We have seen our ups and downs but I know my grandma will always be there for me when needed. I love her and respect her, and hope one day I’ll be just like her. She is my hero and has made a difference in my life.

Page created on 9/4/2010 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 9/4/2010 12:00:00 AM

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