
Cedric Gracia

by Dan from San Diego

He started with BMX, when he was only six. A few years later he started skiing. He was skilled in every sport he has ever played but just couldn’t find the sport he loved, until he tried mountain biking. Cedric Gracia is considered a hero to all aspiring athletes because of his courage, his skills in racing, and his ability to succeed in the face of personal obstacles.

Cedric Gracia was born on the 23rd of July in Pau, France. Cedric’s father was a street biker and always wanted Cedric to follow in his footsteps. Cedric started with BMX and went biking with his dad every day. When he was only six years old he won his first competition, and that little taste of victory just wasn’t enough for him. Cedric entered more and more competitions and eventually he got bored with the sport. He then moved out to northern California where he took up skiing. Once again that didn’t last long once he started to win competitions. At age twenty he tried mountain biking. Only one year after that, he entered the professional mountain biking scene and knew that he had found the sport that he loved.

Courage: the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, or pain. Many people have this trait, but almost none of them show it in the way that Cedric does. “Reputations are cemented, and ruined, on the World Cup. It's the place where legends are made and Cedric started strong. In 2001, He finished fifth overall in both dual-slalom and downhill. He followed that up in 2002 with a dozen podiums and second place overall in both disciplines. A year later, he stood atop a World Cup podium for the first time, finishing third overall in dual and downhill. He also took first place at the Red Bull Rampage, showing the world he was also one of the best free riders”(“Cedric” Gold). Cedric risked everything when he fearlessly competed with dozens of other professional riders in the world cup. This shows that Cedric is fearless when it comes to doing what he loves. He is also the only rider that literally practices how he plays. “A broken shoulder and a ruptured spleen, injuries suffered during a practice run at Red Bull Rampage… and a knee injury in the semi finals practice for La Bresse downhill race”(“Cedric” Junior). This shows that Cedric is very confident in what he does and gives it everything he has every time he gets on his bike. Cedric sets an example to all athletes because he has courage

Cedric is also considered a hero because of his skills in racing. “There's no doubt he's one of the world's best riders says Greg Herbold a former world champion downhiller”(“Cedric” Gold). Cedric is not only fearless when he is on his bike, but he also is a very skilled rider. “On his bike, Cedric has more style and raw talent than any man deserves… It's a wild graceful style, born on the BMX tracks of France, full of gyrating hips, twisting shoulders and pumping legs”(“Cedric” Junior). This shows that Cedric has put a lot of time and effort into mountain biking and all effort pays of in the races. This shows that thanks to all of his time and effort put in outside of practice, Cedric has amazing skills on his bike.

Cedric is mainly considered a hero because of his ability to succeed in the face of personal obstacles. “Then, in the 15-minute long Garbonzo downhill, Gracia, starting last, blows his front tire on the first turn. Instead of taking the dirt road to the bottom, he rides the entire course, all rock and root and filled with the stunts that make Whistler famous, finishing minutes behind the winners” (“Cedric” Gold). Cedric finished a downhill race, through rocks, trees, and a steep slope, with his front tire blown out. But that’s not even close to Cedric’s biggest problem, the media. “…a man who competed in the Red Bull Rampage wearing a Captain America costume…”(Cedric Bio). Cedric truly doesn’t care what others think about him, the only thing that matters to him is doing what he loves. And this is what he does to prove to everyone that he does not care. Cedric Gracia, a person to look up to even if you don’t mountain bike. He is a wonderful hero and an idol to all aspiring athletes.

Page created on 5/26/2010 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 5/26/2010 12:00:00 AM

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