

by Daniel from Xalapa, Mexico

I and my cousin Carlos when he was 3 (my aunt took the picture)
I and my cousin Carlos when he was 3 (my aunt took the picture)

My hero is my cousin Carlos. He was 5 years old, he went to school and he played soccer with me. He liked playing soccer and he liked eating pizza. He and I went to the movies. When he died he changed my life because I felt sorry about it. I learnt to use the seat belt. My cousin Carlos is my hero because he was a good boy, intelligent and so kind.

If could speak to him I would tell him that I miss him so much, I wish he were here and that I miss to play soccer with him. Rest in peace.

Page created on 5/15/2007 10:43:10 AM

Last edited 5/15/2007 10:43:10 AM

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